Chapter 33

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A constant ringing came from my alarm clock which sat on the oak bed-side table, as my eyes fluttered open, I hit the Micky Mouse clock and groan. Sitting up in the large king sized bed, I place my hands on the teal, silk sheets and look around the slowly un-blurring room as I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dull lighting. A large yawn escaped my lips as my vision cleared and I realised my nightmare was still reality. I was officially a Drielle and no amount of sleep would make me realise that it was actually real.

Sitting behind my alarm clock was a leather diary with a pen resting on top of it. Reaching over I picked it up and began to write.

"Dear Diary -

I had been living in the house for around three weeks now and so much has happened. Since I have been here, I have found out so much more about my new family. Did you know that at only 17 or 18 (My new birthday is mucking me up) I am an Aunty to around seven or eight kids?

I have also learnt so much about my siblings, such as;

Paton is married to Sophia and they have a six year old named Cypress Armon Drielle, a four year old named Lawson Wren Drielle and a seven month - soon to be eight month old baby girl named Waverly Piper Drielle.

Lucas is married to Katarina and they have a three year old son named Harper Tyrone Drielle and are expecting another soon.

Dalliance is married to Elijah and have a two year old daughter named Georgina Arista Leoné.

Rosette is married to Jackson and they have TWINS! Born two minutes apart, one year old boy Ezra Robert Harper and one year old girl Eliza Amanda Harper are their 'Bastard' children... they are only newly-weds!

And Charlie is engaged! How could I never have known these things? I can't believe all these things... But it's weird, because my 'Birthday' was one and a bit weeks ago but now, it's today?

There is a party but, it's like a ball because I'm turning 18, so my Grandfather is announcing Aria and I to the world as old enough to marry... I'm 18; I don't want to get married yet! I don't want to be 19 and married, I have plans for my life, find 'Mr. Right', fall in love, live life, explore and experience new things... Marriage isn't one of those things. Yet.

But apparently it's 'tradition' and my future guy is already chosen for me... This is shi-"

My Diary entry was cut short from two maids both dressed in the classical maid's outfits, knee length black skirt with a cap sleeved, peter pan collard matching black shirt. Their hair was pulled back into a bun with the white, frilled 'ribbon' sitting in the middle of their head.

"Good morning Miss" They all said at the same time with a curtsy.

They all looked around the same age, around 20 to 25, one woman with Brown eyes, pale skin and blonde hair and a love heart shaped face. The other was a little older; she was a black haired woman with matching brown eyes, dark olive skin. The different thing with her was she had a Spanish accent.

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