Chapter 32

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A navy blanket wrapped the sky with stars and a large full moon as the black limousine pulled up the gravel road to two large, black, iron gates. A familiar face stood in front the slightly cracked open gate with a smile slapped onto his lips; with a quick wave I automatically knew the figure was Charles.

"Would you mind if I got out here? My –"I hesitated to speak as I leant forward to the large and intimidating driver dressed in all black as if he was a secret agent "My brother is at the gates"

With a quick nod the driver pulled over before speaking "I will get your bags taken to your room Miss" The husky voice said without turning around.

"Oh, thank you" I smiled as I stepped out of the car while putting my jacket on. As the car drove off I walked over to my new brother who was dressed already in his transformer pyjamas.

"Welcome to your new home" Charlie greeted me with a warm smile as he stood at the large iron gates that I will soon become familiar to.

Although I was happy I have found my birth family, I couldn't help but feel sad. I was surrounded by all these people, but yet I felt alone with all these strangers. "A new home" I mumbled under my breath before smiling with a quick laugh "Loving the clothes, very proper"

"These are very respectable clothes thank you" Charlie said as he crossed his arms and pouted, but he isn't one to be seen not smiling, so his frown quickly disintegrated into a large smile which was spread across his face.

Leaning forward Charlie grasped my hand in his before stepping forward and pushing back the large gates, causing a light creek to dance through the night air and into our ears. I could feel my nerves coming on as we walked down the lightly pebbled driveway, with my jaw clenched tightly my only words were thoughts as my knees felt weak and I began to overheat.

Stopping in the middle of the road I stood still, looking up at the luminescent house, large lights shone onto the house almost as if it were hosting a ball or welcoming a bunch of celebrities and royals to their home. My arm began to become tugged as Charlie kept walking, completely oblivious to my fear.

As Charlie finally caught onto my pause he turned and faced me "What's wrong chicken?" He asked, his words laced with concern as he observed my face in attempt to figure out if it were fear or awe "Hey, you've been here before. We are home now. Let's go in, we can eat and watch movies and... catch up".

His large smile never stopped shining as he spoke which helped my nerves calm a little, but once I looked up at the house again I began to ferociously shake my head. "No. I can't do this!" I said as my whole body buckled, unable to move an inch.

"Okay, I know what you need" Charlie said as he let go of my hand as he stepped closer to me before facing back towards the house. Somehow managing to place me onto his back he held me while he laughed "Piggy back time!"

My gaze flew from the house to Charlie as I was flung onto his back like a rag doll, but, thankfully everything scary or haunting about what was about to happen seemed to disappear as I was spun in circles in a laughing bubble. Clutching lightly onto Charlie I began to laugh, harder, and harder, until all my worries vanished into the night wind. "Charlie watch out for the bush!" I called as we began to topple over a white dogwood shrub and into a small patch of lilac perennials flowers which sat at the edge of the garden.

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