Thank You

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For Madi

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I know it was long and it dragged on at times but thank you regardless.

I began to write this back in 2011 for my best friend Madi's birthday and now it's 2015 and I'm still writing. We made a deal that I would give her the original product with no editing, even from when I was writing in 2011! So this is without final edit, so if dates, ages or looks are different I apologise and hope you just went with the flow on this one. There were many ups and downs with this story; how to end it, whether or not there were WAY to many characters, whether Ellie / Ava/ Thorn was too whiny or just an annoying character yet I stuck to it and ended up writing this.

Although this isn't the end.

Believe it or not there is a second book - I'm still writing it so there's no upload for it yet.


- Hazel xx

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