Chapter 29

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"I knew you would look beautiful in that" Madi smiled to me as we stood in front of my roof to floor mirror.

"Well it is the dress I have been eyeing off for around three years, how did you find it?" I asked as I played with the glittery hem which sat mid-thigh. The simple, low cut, light pink dress clung tightly to my body and shaped each of my invisible 'curves' perfectly, the low back was the only place where there was a small bundle of extra fabric which made it sit loosely in the lower of my back. The long sleeves gripped to my arms in an almost lacy, silk texture. This dress was made for this party, this dress, was made for me.

Madi added some more mascara to her already dolled up eyes, with fake eyelashes and eyeliner. Shrugging she looked at me and laughed "I pulled some strings" She smiled "You are totally worth it tho"

"Can you please show me the dress you are wearing instead of parading around my room in some silver glittery heels and no dress? I mean you undies are nice and all, but please, cover them up and lets go down!" I said as I applied a light coat of clear lip gloss over my pale pink/nude coloured lips.

"Fine" She said before opening the closet door and pulling out a simple black, spaghetti strap dress. Putting it on, she added a few pieces of silver jewellery and a pair of dangly earrings.

"Good" I laughed while straightening up my dress

Madi had added some extensions to her blackened, straightened hair before double checking herself and walking to the door "I'm ready"

"I'm just about finished" I said as I pulled the last roller out of my hair and added hairspray "Ok done"

"You look both hot and elegant, and pearl necklace, nice touch" She laughed

Stepping into some nude wedges I headed over to her and laughed "Thank you, but the whore lashes aren't too much right?"

"They are fake, not whores and no you look stunning! Let's GO!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Walking down the stairs I felt like a movie star, there was clapping and cheering, along with whistling and pictures being taken. But my heart stopped when I saw Josh at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.  Next to him, stood Liam with the biggest grin across his face, for the first time in weeks and weeks. She looked beautiful and was weak in the knees she used my shoulder for support before her smile grew in size. There we both were, standing on my steps gawking at our boyfriends who were staring at us in awe.

Making our way down the stairs we go to the bottom where I wrapped my arms around Josh's neck and he lifted me off the bottom three stairs. "You look beautiful, as always" Josh smiled to me.

Smiling I replied "How happy does Madi and Liam look". We glanced over at them as they stood a meter apart in complete silence

"Hey" Liam managed to breathe out

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