Chapter 12

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"Josh" I said "I don't need a drink, besides you have had more than enough for the both of us"

"Pwetty pwease?" he pleaded in a slur as he looked into my eyes

"You are intolerable!" I laughed "Peer pressure or what... FINE"

"Yay" he smiled and grabbed my hand gliding off the platform from the stairs and into the kitchen and made me a drink

"and so it begins" I sighed with a smile and began to drink


A light tingle rested on my toes, a light ripple enveloped over them. I opened my eyes when I heard a vomiting noise coming from far behind me, "What?" is all that succeeded to come from my mouth as I attempted to figure out where I was, the sun was so bright I knew it was mid-day. A severe ache hit my head and I groaned and sat up trying to see past the bright light that shines in my eyes. 'Why am I in a pool toy? Wait why am I in a pool?' I thought as I looked down to see myself in a bright blue doughnut pool toy wearing nothing but my bare essentials, my bright white bra and black and white lace undies. "Oh no, this can't be happening" I groaned as I attempted to lift my right arm to my head, but failed to see the purple, fluffy handcuffs secured from my wrist to the semi naked Josh floating beside me on a bright, hot pink doughnut pool toy, with only a feather boa tied around him waist covering his 'man hood'.

"Josh?" I questioned if he was awake, and then saw my right leg tied to his left leg by rope. "Josh" I asked again pulling the handcuffs so his head was no longer supported by his arm, which made him jerk awake.

"W-wh-what?" he mumbled still half asleep before a light tickle on his ... from the feathers made him open his eyes "Holy smokes batman!" he said looking over himself before throwing his head back in a throbbing pain "ouchieeeee"

"Don't be so loud!" I mumbled closing my eyes again and resting my head on the pool toy

"Ellie?" Josh asked confused before tilting his head to face me and opening one eye, then both, followed by his eyebrows as he scanned me over "Don't get me wrong, this look suits you, you look very, very, very sexy but, why are we both nearly naked?" he asked and then noticed the handcuffs and rope "And tied together?!?!?!"

"I. Blame. You" I mumbled wanting to fall back asleep to get rid of the hang over

"You want a cure?" he asked seeing my pain and feeling it for himself

"YES" I said sitting upright, but almost falling into the pool as I tried not to get my undies wet, but I forgot about Josh and I pulled him into the pool

"Well then..." he said making a fountain with the water in his mouth. He lay awkwardly in the pool still tied to me "That's the idea". He gave a crooked smile and no matter how much I protested he pulled he under and we sat on the bottom of his pool.

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