Chapter 17

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"I'll see you all soon, it was lovely meeting you" I smiled as I hugged them all goodbye. We were at the airport and were heading home. But knowing me, I was the last one to say goodbye. I wrapped my arms around Josh's neck and hugged him for a solid five minutes before I had to board my plane "You should come up for my party, my birthday is coming up soon"

"Count us all in" Dylan laughed as everyone nodded in agreement "Chika, we will be there if you will have us"

"Oh, don't worry your all coming" Jacob said as he picked my bags up "It was nice meeting you all, but Ellie, we gotta go.

"Agradable conocerlos a todos, pero, tenemos que ir, adiós" (nice to meet you all, but we have to go, Goodbye) Jayson wave to them all as our team and cheerleaders boarded the plane

"Adios" was projected down the tunnel as everyone waved goodbye

I gave Josh one last kiss before running to catch up with my musketeers.


"Did you sleep with him?" Mum asked

"Oh my god Mum, what the hell!" I laughed "No! Jeez, like I said 'half of his team, half of our team and half of the cheerleaders crashed in my room, everyone else were in the joint room next door.' That means we weren't alone!"

"Have you ever slept with him?" She asked

"No, for the hundredth time." I laughed again "Oh and we have a few more guests for my gathering"

"A few? So it's going to be a party instead of a gathering?" she laughed "Oh I see, the Tigers are coming for your birthday"

"Is that alright?"

"Sugar that's fine" she smiled but, she seemed a little too happy "I GET TO PLAN IT THO"

"Will there be alcohol?" I asked

"Yes, but for me, Janie and Laura" She smiled "I'm getting my minny back out, it's time to PARTY". She got out her phone and began to dance around the house before running upstairs and calling up her 'girls'

"Oh shit. What have I done" I said to myself planting my forehead hard against the table.


"Welcome back Eagles. But we have to talk about the Drielle's not the game. OK. Now, name the seven children and then –." Miss Darnell spoke but then stopped when my hand shot into the air "Yes, Ellie can you answer this?"

I don't think it was me talking, because I began to blurt out words "Yes, I can. From oldest to youngest there is; Paton, Lucas, Dalliance, Rosette, Charles, Arianna and Avalon." 'Wait there did that come from? I haven't studied yet, how did I know this? Miss hasn't said anything, it's not true, and why is she looking at me like that? Why is everyone looking at me? Do I have something on my face? Did I just throw up without realising? Oh my god, stop looking at me!' I thought to myself

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