Chapter 19

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"Yes!" I squealed as I hit three balls into the hole all at once "I love pool!"

"Our team has won each game" Jacob said as he gave me a high five

"Hey, that guy has been looking over at us on/off for the past few minutes" Bjorn said as he peered over his shoulder at a tall brunette guy that looks around our age, maybe a bit older

"Let him, he is just jealous that we keep winning" Jacob laughed

"And on that note, I need to pee" I said as I walked towards the bathroom


"Arianna" The guy called out as I walked out of the bathroom, I looked over my shoulder and began to walk quicker "Ari, wait!"

'Great, this Ari chick has some psych ex-boyfriend or something... here we go ' "what!" I said as I turned around when he grabbed my arm

"Really? What are you wearing? And why didn't you answer your phone? Who are those guys you are with? Does Pat, Luke, Lia or Rosie know you are here? How did you get past them? Why are you here?" He questioned me

"Ok, look mate; I think you have the wrong girl. My name is not 'Ari', I'm wearing clothes my mum bought me, I didn't answer my phone cause it didn't ring, those guys I'm with are my brothers, I don't know who Pat, Luke, Lia or Rosie are... and I am here to play pool. Who are you?" I asked and answered

"I'm so sorry; you just look identical to my little sister. Oh, um it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Charlie. Well Charles, but that's too weird for me." He explained

'Charlie? Charles... oh my god! It couldn't be... Pat, Luke, Lia, Rosie, Charlie, Ari... The DRIELLE'S! ' "Wait this may be strange but, Paton, Lucas, Dalliance, Rosette, Charles, Arianna and Avalon... Are you Charlie Drielle?" I asked

"Come with me please" He said taking my hand and leaving me out the side door to the alleyway "How do you know who I am, there are no pictures of any of my family members online or in books, we have made sure of that, how do you know?"

"I don't know... I just felt like it was right... Plus the names" I told him

"How do you know about my family?" He asked before getting chocked on his words "How do you know about Avalon?"

"We are learning about you in class. But I-."I began but then got a blazing headache, literally blazing. Fire, my whole head felt like it was on fire but I managed to plough through it like there was nothing wrong "Sorry, headache"

"Here" He passed me a card with his number on it "You remind me of my sister, I want to see you again. Not in that way... I have a girlfriend... So just as friends"

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