Chapter 14

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"THIS JUST HAPPENED TO SLIP YOUR MIND? WHO ARE YOU?" I screamed throwing vulgar language at her

"Ellie please, you have to understand, it was for your own good!" Marne tried to calm me down

"Don't come near me!" I said backing down the hallway "You don't have the right not to tell me something this... HUGE . This is my whole life we are talking about, I have a family, siblings who don't know their sister and that didn't seem to concern you, I walked around knowingthinking my life was fine, that you and Sean planned only to have one child. But now you come out and tell me this? Like I am nothing... That my feelings don't matter? Like I am something you bought and you can do with me as you will?"

"We didn't know that your Grandfather was looking for you" Mum said in her defence but before she could say any more two loud knocks on the door broke her attention, there they stood, Sean, My dad and Laura.

"I heard some smashing and screaming, is everything ok?" Laura asked as Marne let her step through

"Well in my defence I was there three seconds before her, so" His attention soon came to me "Hey sugar" he smiled and walking inside stepping over the broken glass which fell from my hand when she told me "She already told you? I guess that's what happens when I arrive late isn't it?"

"Tell her what? Is it something I should hear or should I take Josh out for the night" Laura said but tried to hide what she said

I had tears rushing down my cheeks as three pairs of eyes looked at me, Sean stepped forward and began to speak in his Father voice "Now Ellie, this is no way to act, think..."

But he was cut short by a small tea cup being pegged at his head followed by the saucer, but each throw he dodged not even getting a sliver of glass on his shirt "You don't get to say how I act! You weren't told your life is not what is seems, that everything" I threw another cup "is a lie!" My breathing became heavy and Sean stepped back, my attention turned to Laura "What did you say?" I asked her

"Ellie, I know that the counsellor is for Josh and Lacy's sake but I think you should talk to her about your outbursts since he left" Marne continued until an accidental shatter of a vase fell from the hutch once I leant on it to stabilise myself, broke her off as it fell to my feet.

"Josh is coming to visit for the night soon, because he has to pick up some things and it's a long flight. I thought you two could have the night when he comes up" Laura smiled


I was taken to the hospital and was given some bandages for open wounds from the glass. Mum and dad stayed at home as Laura happily drove me where ever I needed to go. I was dropped at the counsellors steps and three hours later was given a slip saying I had sleep deprivation causing mood swings. Laura drove me back to the hospital and I waited for the prescription to be sorted out, meanwhile Laura made some phone calls.

"Now Ellie, these will help but you have to..." The doctor blabbered on about what I had to do and not do with the pills but I caught the last of his sentence "And if you don't follow the last steps you can have powerful hallucinations, but they will only be temporary as the effect of the prescription will wear off"

I shrugged and that was the signal Laura saw to take me home, but instead she took my drowsy body up to Josh's bed and let me stay the night there. My dreams where haunted with bad memories and my mother's words over and over "Ellie, you know you are different than me right..." Her words fade to the end of the sentence "You are adopted, don't you get what I'm trying to say? I am not your biological mother! You are not my daughter by blood!"

This sent shivers down my spine, knowing she isn't my mother, my real mother. This was a full on day and I could not wait to wake up and start fresh, find out that it was all a bad dream and that I have nothing to worry about...

'Keep telling yourself that, 'it's just a bad dream, the world is perfect... full of rainbows and butterflies' pfft, wake up to yourself, it's a cruel place and the only place you will ever be able to escape it is the big H' a controlling voice in my head was evil and didn't sound like me.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD" I screamed as I woke up, I looked at my shaky hands and the beads of sweat that perched all over my body. I stood up and walked over to the bean bag in the corner of Josh's room where he asked me to be friends with him. Taking a seat I cooled down and slipped into a deep sleep.

"Ellie?" The drowsy voice said "Why aren't you in my bed? Wait. That's not what I meant. I was meaning...." He sighed before starting again "Come on, you need your sleep. Up we go."

"I know what you mean you silly duffer" I replied in a yawn as I stumbled across the floor into the sheets '2:55am' the clock read "I've missed you Josh"

"I know, I've missed you more than life itself. Come on, sleep time" it said tucking me in again, I tried to look at their face, see who it was but all that seemed to play in my head was the doctors words 'powerful hallucinations'.

The next morning I woke up in sobs, in pain and on the floor. During the night I might have fallen out and hit my head on something, leaving me with a throbbing headache "Laura?" I called out before seeing a note at the foot of the bed. '11:34am' the clock read.


I've gone out; I need to go to work.

Breakfast is on the table and don't forget the pills.

Love you Pumpkin

- L

I walked down the stairs and I thought my eyes had been playing tricks on me, I saw all this food but the main thing was handmade pancakes and waffles, just the way Josh made them for me. But as I filled my plate, the blood from my head ran down my face leaving a warm sensation that only made me feel light headed.

"Hey Hunny" the blurry figure said, my vision is clouded and I struggled to keep my eyes open, falling to the floor the plate shattered around me. The figure ran towards me "Holy sh*t, Ellie? Ellie, what happened?" By this point I had fainted, engulfed in darkness ass the abyss took my mind away... Well isn't this dramatic and stupid... Joys of being me.


Opening my eyes I was surrounded by white, white walls, white sheets, white tiles and rooving, a whole lot of white. "Oh crap... did I die?" I asked myself out loud.

"Ellie? Hey sweetie" The soft hand caressed my cheek, looking to my right sat Josh, the only not white thing in this room. "There she is, awake at last... And no, don't worry you didn't die. I would never let that happen" he chuckled.

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