Chapter 13

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I have been back at school now for three weeks, it's a Friday and I have got to do an assignment already. It's on some stuck up family in some royal high class society called the Drielle's, but I am SO not bothered. I walked through the door and ran upstairs, dropped my things and got in my black pyjama pants and a light blue pyjama top and headed back downstairs.

"I don't think this is a good idea" Marne said as she stood in the kitchen, she began to pace as she pressed the phone hard up against her ear "No, I don't think you understand" she paused for a moment as the person on the other end of the phone began to speak "I wasn't aware of that, but it still doesn't change the fact..." she stopped again "It's not a good idea, I'm sorry but no" and again "No" she repeated, she stopped pacing as she saw me standing on the bottom stair leaning against the railing "We will discuss this later, I have to go... Yes you to, Goodbye"

"Who was on the phone Mum?" I asked hopping from the last stair in my pyjamas

"Oh, it was... your... Aunt May" She replied

"I don't have an Aunt May"

"D-did I say Aunt May?"


"Oh my mistake" she said and the conversation ended there as she walked out of the kitchen

She is acting weird, but my mind is elsewhere, Josh has been gone for ages and this counsellor that I have to see, I swear she thinks I'm depressed. Mum thinks I'm acting weird and so does Bjorn, Picklehead, Kyle, Laura, Jayson... Everyone... I hate it, they all treat me differently, but now Dad is coming up and this is all going to sh*t, everything is weird.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, three loud bangs made me jump. I walked over and opened it to see three familiar faces. "Good your up" Bjorn smiled

"But not really ready to go out" Jayson said looking me over

Jacob stood over them all, his tall thin, yet muscular figure smiled as he spoke "I don't care she looks lovely, don't you think so?" He said, Jacob had just come back from Australia, his family all lives there, in Sydney, they live by the beach side near a place called Manly. I have known him since I was like 8 or 10, he moved over and stayed here for a while and ended up moving here.

"JACOB" I squealed and leapt onto him wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his hips "I've missed you"

Bjorn and Jayson laughed, they got me up, dressed and got me outside. It was weird tho, my clothes hung to me like rags, within three weeks I had lost almost a quarter of my body weight and I felt weak. They all took me to a movie, and force fed me all this junk food which just made me feel sick. We watched 'The Duff and when I got home I didn't realise that I had spent the whole day with my musketeers. Mum used to tell me that we were called Ellie and the three musketeers, and today I had missed them more than ever, I missed Lacy and most of all I missed Josh. They left after watching some Adventure Time, one I closed the door the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked

"Good Evening, is this Marne?" The Husky male voice asked

"No, this is Ellie, would you like me to get her?"

"No, no. Ellie, this is splendid, I never thought I would talk to you so soon."

"Um, do I know you?" I asked

"Not particularly, we have met before but it was a very long time ago"

"Who is on the phone?" Mum asked walking over to me

"One sec" I said to the person on the phone "It's some guy, I dunno who it is"

"Pass it here" She said snatching the phone from me and pressing it to her ear "Listen to me, never call here" and just like that she hung up.


"Don't you dare bring him up!" She screamed

"Mum, I am allowed to bring up my Father I don't care what you say! You don't get it, I want him here for my birthday! You just can't get it through your twisted mind that he left you but he still loves me!" I yelled back, but once those words came out, I knew this would go sour.

"He didn't leave me! He left us. He left you. He was sick and tired of all of the crap you put us through and had to leave because I stood up for you all those years. You drove him crazy! It's your fault he left!"

I stood there shocked at what she had just said. "Great, that's just wonderful" I said calmly through a teary voice "At least you had the heart to tell me, in fact why don't I call him and ask him myself?"

It was a Sunday and all weekend we had been fighting. Ever since I picked up that phone call she has been mad at me. Who was it that could set her off like that? Who could it be?


"Hey Swiggy she looks just like you, except more... fancy" Cameron pointed out as we sat in English watching a slide show of the Drielle's. This comment made most of the class laugh and others make comparisons.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Arianna Drielle, how do you do" I laughed as I put on an accent

"Alright class get out your books and turn to page one hundred and eighty-four" Miss Darnell asked once she got us settled.

"The Drielle household had a horrible accident a few years back, the lady of the house, Lady Eleanor Thatcher and Sir Robert Drielle lost their lives. Their daughter Avalon Drielle was never seen again " She said as I just gawked at the picture of Eleanor and Robert on their wedding day, he wore a white tux with black bow tie and she wore an elegant dress with diamonds, pearls and glitter that sparkled as she stood there.

Their smiles show the love for each other, but their faces, so familiar... Like from a dream.

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