Chapter 28

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Apart from the fact that I am going to be sent to a salon tomorrow so everyone can get ready, for some reason, I am not excited at all. My actual Birthday isn't for another week and two days and I am having a party now?

"Come on! Get in the car or we will be late!" Madi yelled at me

I groaned and fell on the lounge "I don't feel good! I don't want to go, they are all going to come here anyways. So what is the point of me going?"

"Let her stay. But we need to leave now before traffic picks up" Bjorn said as he walked through the front door behind everyone else.

In my driveway there were around twelve cars, all large with as many seats as we could find. Miny vans and actual vans, we needed the space. Madi, Josh, Charlie, Bjorn, Jayson, Cameron, Lea, Madi's Mum, Jayson's Mum and Bjorn's Dad were all driving an individual car so we could go to the Airport and pick up the cheerleaders and the Josh's footy team. All so they can come over and crash at mine and Josh's house tonight and then party in it tomorrow.

Once everyone had left I saw it as the perfect opportunity to go to sleep, because for me, sleep helps me feel less sick. I walked into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of ice cream before going up stairs to my room. I sat down on my bed under my sheet as I watched my fan spin round and round.

Strawberry ice-cream finished and yet I am still boiling, and, feeling a little better than before. I take off my white singlet and small, black work out shorts and crawly back into bed in just my white bra and black lace undies. "I'll just close my eyes for a sec" I yawned to myself as my eyes fluttered closed.

"You see this is something I could come home to each day" Jerome laughed as he opened my door

I groaned and stuffed my face further into my pillow, "I agree" a guy laughed before a snap shot from the guys phone was taken and thumps came up the stairs

"Whats everyone looking at?" Madi asked as she joined them, staring at me while I was still asleep.

"Is there a line up for the bathroom already?" Charlie laughed and then realised the small group of guys and Madi, weren't waiting for the bathroom but admiring my ass. Pushing through the guys Charlie stumbled into my room "Alright fellas shows over".

Charlie closed my doors and pulled back my blinds which sent a bright orange light streaming into my room "Wyudtatmenypo" I said as I buried my face deeper and deeper into the pillow

"What?" He asked "I don't speak pillow"

I looked at him through the hair that was pouring over my face "I said, 'why you do that, you meanie poo' and it wasn't pillow talk, it was go away talk" I rubbed my eyes and yawned "How long you guys been back for?"

"About 20 minutes, I suggest getting dressed, or at least brushing your hair. Please. Put a shirt on." He said throwing me one of Josh's tops which I wear to bed.

"Fine" I groaned

Nodding and waving his hand in the air Charlie walked over to the door "It's weird seeing a sister without a lot clothes on, it's actually very disturbing! I even find it weird when you are in a bikini, well Aria anyway". Opening the door he almost walked into Josh's fist as it was mid-air about to knock on my door, "Woah! She's up mate" Charlie said before walking out of my room to the guys downstairs.

"Um, thanks?" Josh said walking in and closing the door behind him "Hey beautiful"

"Say hi to your shirt" I said taking the black top off and throwing it at him before face planting back into my pillow "It's too hot!!!"

"Right, that's why you are in bed instead of by the pool?" He laughed and laid next to me

"Because the sun is hot" I groan through the pillow before looking at him

The smile on Josh's face dropped as he looked at me "Is there something wrong?"

"What? Why?" I ask as I sat up and pulled my hair into a pony tale

"You have been crying" He said wiping my cheeks "A lot. Is everything ok?"

"I'm fine, I'm actually great" I say "And I haven't been crying"

"Then why is your pillow soaked?"

"Water? Sweat? I dunno"

"Maybe you were crying in your sleep?"

"Yea? Maybe."

He pushed back the hair from my face and smiled as he leant in and gave me a kiss, like usual the weird tingle still runs through me as I kiss him. I fold my arms at the back of his neck as he wraps his around my waist. The door flies open and there stands a tall red head with two black stripes on his cheeks just under his eyes "CHILL OUT GUYS" He called out before talking to us in a normal voice "Hey, I'm Carter. I haven't met you yet. So I'm guessing this is Elvira, are you guys hungry?"

"Nice to meet you too Carter and yes. Are you cooking or something?"

"Not me, Jet wants to start up the Barbie, so you aren't saving all the meat in the fridge are you?"

"No go for it" I smile

"Sweet" He laughed

Josh did a quick cough in his throat and raised his eyebrows "Thaaanks C. We will be down soon"

"Oh sh*t. Right. Sorry" Carter said before quickly stepping out and closing the door

"How many people are here?" I ask Josh

He bit his bottom lip as he hid a smirk "Both houses are full to the brim" He laughed

"Oh. Sh*t."

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