Chapter 15

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"It's ok they will forget about it and this will pass" Josh said as he lay next to me in his bed brushing back hair from my face.

I have now missed two weeks of school and nights I wake up trembling and screaming from a dream. The court still hasn't made a decision about Josh and Lacy but they are allowing Laura custody of Josh due to my 'condition'. Marne, Laura and Janie (Madi's mum) had all gone on a cruise and left Josh in charge of me for the next two weeks.

'Great mum huh?' I thought as I found out they had gone

I woke up screaming again and Josh just put his arms around me and held me to his chest "Talk to me" he whispered "Tell me, what are they about?"

"Fire" I told him "I hear laughter, I am a baby, in a car, and these people are smiling over me, another baby girl and a few other children. Then we crash, the lady and man die, we hit a tree, then another car hits us, the driver is being burnt alive. All I remember is Snow. Then I wake up"

"Ellie, it's just a dream, it's all fine, besides you aren't a baby" He smiled and we fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms

"These fugging pills are messing with my head Josh, I need to stop taking them! I'm fine – these pills are causing the bad dreams"

"I'll talk to the doctor and see what I can do" he nodded


It has been a six weeks and my birthday is coming up in a month. I'm moving back in with Marne today, I finally forgave her for everything, even tho most of it was my fault.

"Hey Sugar" she smiled with open arms "I'm sorry"

"Hey mummy" I said as I began to tear "I'm sorry too, but we really need to talk"

We dropped my bags into my non changed room, before walking into the kitchen. We made some tea and strolled to the lounge room, we have been talking recently so we got straight into it. Josh and Laura sat in with us but busied themselves in the other room to give us privacy.

"You want to know who they are?" she questioned

"I want to know everything you know" I replied

"Ok, well I didn't speak to your parents. I spoke to a man named Carlyle and he said he wasn't part of the family. That he attends to the children. He wants me to go to their place and meet with the 'Master' of the house to clarify you are who they think you are."

"That doesn't answer all my questions, how did I come across you and dad?" I asked sipping my tea to take away my shakes

"You were a baby; you looked only a few days if not a few weeks old. You were the cliché basket baby and had a note, it just said ' Please look after me' . No name, nothing. So we took you in and cared for you at the same time as looking out for missing person things in newspapers, online or posted around town. When we adopted you, you were around two years old. We made your birthday the day we found you and that's that." She explained

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