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*Next Morning*

*being tired too much,tae couldn't wake up early..also,his hand was untreated so,due to the pain he slept late..suddenly,he woke up being fully drenched as jk threw a bucket of water on him*

Jk:this is not your bloody home...wake up bitch...

Tae: I'm sorry..

Jk: your sorry won't feed us..cook for us and clean the house...

*this time tae did cooked better...at least,better than yesterday..*

Lisa: god!!I Don't think we will ever get any good food from now..

*tae again bow in front of them*

Tae(teary eyes): I'm sorry...I didn't knew how to cook...I'll try to be better...

*suddenly, namjoon stand up*

Hobi: dad,where are you going??

Namjoon: I can't eat with all this drama..

Jimin: appa!!please stop...don't do that..

*namjoon left*

Jk: Happy now??because of you,appa didn't ate anything...

*gradually,everyone left*

*tae kneel down and started crying..somehow,all the staff felt bad for him*

*Time Skip in the Afternoon*

*tae was cleaning the whole house..his hand was painting as it didn't soothed yet.. moreover, he was feeling weak as didn't ate anything also,had a fever due to the cold water that jk threw over him...somehow, he managed to work..suddenly, he stopped cleaning the floor as,he reached in front of a door..he opened the door to clean the room..when he went inside,he saw a man was laying in bed with life support and oxygen machine connected with his(jin)body..there were some other machines too..but,one thing he felt odd..the laying man was breathing heavily...he shouldn't breath heavily-tae thought...when he saw the machine of oxygen,he widen his eyes..so,he hurriedly look here and there and found another cylinder of oxygen...then,he took the connection off from the old cylinder and connected with the new one..but,jin didn't stop breathing heavily..as it would take little time..but,namjoon entered the room and saw tae with the cylinder..he became furious and call everyone...then,HE SLAPPED TAE!!soon,everyone entered*

Namjoon(shouted): what the fuck you did??huh?? Tell me what you did with my jinnie??hobi  call the doctor soon..

*hobi hurriedly call the doctor*

Yoongi(blank):what happened  dad??

Namjoon: this bastard did something with my jinnie's oxygen  cylinder...(crying)

*hearing that everyone's expression changed into a dangerous one*

Jimin: what the fuck?? How dare you,huh??God!!I was unnecessarily  feeling guilty for you??you are a bloody bitch!!how dare you,huh?

*saying that HE ALSO SLAPPED HIM*

Tae(crying): please listen to me..I wasn't doing anything bad with him..its just__

*his words stopped by another SLAP...this time it was Jk...*


*saying that he harshly pull him out from there and took him to the store room which was completely dark..then,hobi and yoongi  came their with three whip...Three brothers were  harshly beating him with the whip...tae was a crying mess..they finally stop when  jimin came there to inform about the doctor...he looked at tae who almost looked passed out..then,four of them left from their by locking tae inside..*

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