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Chanyeol: yeah,I know that....I'm talking about your so called husband who doesn't know the meaning of love...did he ever fallen in love???I'm sure,he didn't...for him,controlling his partner is everything....right???

*jk got triggered by his words which tae understand very well..*

Tae: hyung please...without knowing his past,you can't comment like that...and,he don't control  me...

*tae's words confused jk...then,he turned towards jin who gulped nervously..*

Chanyeol: oh please!!!I don't need to know his past...his actions are enough for me to know what kind of person he is...and he don't control you??stop lying tae...

Tae: hyung please...

Chanyeol: stop taking his sides,tae...he don't deserve it....

Tae: I said enough, have said enough about my family  without giving them a chance to explain....

Chanyeol(shocked): tae!!!

Tae(softly): please hyung...I respect you alot...but it doesn't mean,I would let you disrespect my husband..(pointed towards jk)

Tae: hyung,today you can see me alive is  because of this you think you could have ever seen me if I was in that house??no hyung...that man(jaehyun) did every possible thing to  make me suffer...whatever happened in the past was just a misunderstanding hyung...I knew they wanted to marry kook with Kai...I knew,they are doing this marriage just for revenge....even after knowing everything,I never told them the truth,hyung....if you want to blame them then,blame me first...


Tae(teary eyes): please hyung,let me weren't there hyung when I saw mom and dad's  death weren't there when they were torturing me..I faced everything alone,hyung...I was all alone....and if you think that what kook and his family did with me was cruel  then,you haven't seen the real cruelty haven't seen how I had to beg every time for haven't seen how I had to struggle to keep myself safe from those  beast.(gulp down his saliva)

Tae(teary eyes): I even feel ashamed to call them my family,hyung....he was a father figure for me  but,he never felt ashamed before molesting me...I know,how I survived around those beast..

Chanyeol(looking down): I'm sorry tae..

*tae came close to chanyeol and hold his hands*

Tae(softly): hyung,you don't need to be sorry...I didn't  told all this to make you feel are an wonderful  brother...that time,you couldn't do anything because you didn't knew anything...otherwise,you have always protected me..hyung,I'm telling you all this to you because,I want you to know that I was living in a hell....just because of this marriage I survived or else,you would have found me dead.....I know you're angry..but try to understand  their point too hyung....and as per as,you were doubting about my husband's love then,let me tell you that no one can make me more happy then,him....(then,he went close to jk and hold his hand)

Tae(confidently): jungkook is the best part of my life who filled my life with happiness...hyung,no one is perfect....everyone have done mistakes in their life....If someone feel guilty about their mistakes and wants to be a better person then,is it wrong to give a second chance???

Baekhyun(smile): look at your brother chanyeol....he became so matured...

*Chanyeol was silent till now*

Baekhyun: chanyeol!!!say something...

Chanyeol: you're not wrong tae...but tell me one can understand  everyone's  situation...what about you??

Tae(confused): huh???

*Chanyeol looked at jk and speaked*

Chanyeol: I agree,he loves you....that's why,he had the courage to tell me the whole truth even after knowing that I can take you away from him..I accept everything  you said about him..but,what about you???you forgave them so easily tae???that's not how,we raised you just compromised your self respect...

Tae: hyung!!

Chanyeol: no tae....let me speak now..I'm agreeing  with gave him a second chance,fine...but,you never took a stand for yourself...why???you're right,'re at fault...why the hell did you never said that you're not Kai???why the hell you tolerated everything??

*before tae,jk speaked*

Jk: it wasn't tae's  fault...jaehyun and Kai  threatened  him to kill han....

Tae: hyung,please forget about the past....what happened has happened...let's start fresh,now...

Chanyeol: fine..if that makes you happy,I'm ready to forget everything...but,remember my words tae...never ever compromise with your self  respect  again...

Jk: if you allow me,can I say something to you??

*Chanyeol said nothing and just nodded his head..*

Jk(softly): I know,I shouldn't be forgiven after what I did with tae...but please trust me........I'll  do my best to be a better husband for tae....I love him alot...I can not leave without him....I promise you that you won't regret giving me a second chance...

Chanyeol: I know,I said alots of hurtful things to you....I love my brother alot jungkook...2 years,I had no idea that he is alive...and when I found him,I heard all this things and it triggered  me or else,I don't have any personal issue with you...although,I should have said the same thing to myself too as,I failed to protect him...but I hope,you'll keep your words...

Jk: I promise,I will..

Chanyeol: ok then,I think we should leave  now...

Tae: why now???please, stay a little more...

Chanyeol:  no tae....I'm glad that you're  happy....just stay happy always...

*then,he cupped tae's cheeks*

Tae: you won't see your niece??

*before Chanyeol, baekhyun speaked*

Baekhyun: don't worry,tae....we will come again...let us go was a hectic day,right??I'm sure,he is tired....let's meet any other day,ok??

*tae just smiled and then baekhyun hugged tae*

Baekhyun(whisper): don't worry tae...give him some time...I'm sure,he is disturbed after hearing all this...

*then,they pulled out from the hug and baekhyun caressed his cheek..*

Baekhyun: bye,tae...and,I'm really sorry to you all for Chanyeol's behaviour..but,trust me...he is a nice guy...

Jin: it's  ok....don't be sorry...he have all the right to take stand for tae...but trust us...we won't let  the same thing to repeat again...

*after bidding goodbye to everyone, baekhyun left with chanyeol...while,tae kept standing there..*

Jk: tae,what happened??

Tae(looking at the door): I think,hyung is upset with me...

*jk hugged tae*

Jk: I don't think,he is...and even if it is true then,I'm sure he can't be upset with you for long...


Here comes the end of our 26th part...

Words Count: 1192

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