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Bogum(smirking): tell them to come...their TOY is ready!!!

Man: umm!!actually, sir....they were asking you to go there..they want to talk about something???

Bogum(frowned): now,what??

*then,he left the room and went towards the drawing room...After going there he frowned as he saw only one man standing there back facing him...*

Bogum(frowned): where are you alone???I told you,I don't have much time....

??: we will take him from here!!

Bogum(frowned): what??that was not the deal!!

??: I know...but now,we want to take him..

Bogum: that's not possible...I can't  take that risk...what if he run away??

??: he won't...

Bogum:still,I can't...

??: think it properly...if we back out,your work won't be done...I hope you know that what you're doing is illegal here...

*bogum started thinking about it*

Bogum: ok then....anyways,he can't ran away...

??(frowned): suddenly,so confident??

Bogum(smirking): of course...After all,he is on heavy dose of Cockaine!!

*then,that man turned towards bogum...but,bogum couldn't see his face as,he was wearing  a mask...*

??: one of us will check him first!!I hope,that's fine with you??

Bogum: yeah,sure...

??: can you go outside and tell my man to come inside???(told one of bogum's man who looked at bogum)

Bogum: yeah,john...go and call them...

??: not everyone,just one...

Bogum(frowned): o-ok!!

*then,John started going out but before that he looked at that man and smirked then,he went out.. After sometime,he came inside with another man who also had a mask on his face *

??:you go inside and check on the guy...

*the other guy nodded his head and before going inside they both stared at eachother and signalled something which wasn't noticed by bogum...*

Bogum: John,take him to his room...

*then,john took him towards the room where tae has been kept*

*infront of the room*

Jonn: he is inside!!

*that guy nodded his head and was about to go inside but before that he hugged john*

??: t-thank you so much...

John(smile): it's,go and see your husband,jungkook!!I'm waiting here...

*jk once again hugged him and went inside the room then,locked the door..he saw tae was laying on  a bed tied  with it while,he was unconscious..then,he walked towards him...*

Jk(emotional): t-tae!!

*jk took his phone and called namjoon*

*on call*

Namjoon: hello!!!did you found tae???

Jk(broken voice): y-yeahh!!

Namjoon: for god sake,don't broke down remember, soobin's plan,right??don't do something that will ruin the plan...

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