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Jk(smirking): so,I won...

*tae looked at him while gulping down the saliva...jk pinned him in the door while smirking at him*

Jk(husky voice): I guess,I won the bet...right???

Tae(gulp): i-i ..

Jk(smirking): what??why are you stuttering  now??aren't you the one who confidently  said "deal done",huh??

Tae(looking away): cheated...

Jk(frowned): really??how??

Tae(pouting): then,how did you know it was him??

*jk kissed his pout and started caressing his lips*

Jk(husky voice): because the way he was knocking...oh sorry!! banging the door,it was obvious that it will be only him...only he get impatient if you don't open the door at first knock(rolled his eyes)

Tae(pouted): see!!I knew it,you cheated!!

Jk(done look): oh please!!I just used my brain,ok??

*tae rolled his eyes..jk pressed his body on  tae's body making him widen his eyes..tae looked around if someone is there  or not*

Tae(nervously): kook,what are you doing??someone will see us!!

Jk(husky voice): so what??I'm romancing with my own husband only??(saying that he started sniffing tae's neck)

Tae(done look): kook,not now...please !!

Jk(smirking): not now??then,when babe??

Tae(blushing): shut up...

Jk(husky voice): don't change the topic...I won the bet so better give me what I want...

Tae(biting his lips): w-what you want??

Jk(husky voice):you don't know???ok then,let me explain you in details..

*he whispered in tae's ear making him close his eyes*

Jk(deep husky voice): I want you(kissed his both cheeks) you know,you and me and__

Tae(blushing): shut pervert...

Jk(innocently): what??what have I done??I was just saying to spend some quality time with you...

*tae looked away while blushing making jk smirk*

Jk(innocently): wait...what you thought??awww!!don't tell me thought some naughty things..

* tae closed his eyes being embarrassed while jk was enjoying teasing him*

Jk(innocently): did you really thought that?

*tae opened his eyes and glared at jk*

Tae(pouting): shut're the one who was thinking about that not me..

Jk(smirking): about what??

*jk was leaning towards tae's lips...just when he was about to capture his lips their moments got ruined*

Jimin: how many times I have to come to call____aahahhhhhhhh!!!

*he screamed making tae and jk looked at was looking at him being embarrassed while other one with done look*

Jk(done look):  why the hell you had to ruin my moments??

Jimin(tight lipped smile): you should have put a sign board nah that,I'm romancing with my husband please don't come now..something like that(rolled his eyes)

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