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*Next Day*

*since,jin was not well so,he was send to home back with Lisa and jimin..and all the tops are at the hospital...till now,tae didn't came back to sense..which was worrying was inside tae's  cabin...After some time, doctor came  out of the cabin *

Jk(worried): what happened,doctor??how is he??he is fine,right??

Doctor: don't worry,he is fine now...but,I did some test of him as,you guys didn't have any reports of him..

Yoongi: so??what is his condition, then??

Doctor: He is suffering  from DEPRESSION!!

Jk(shocked): What are you saying??how and why??

Doctor: you need to find that to his family...ask them if they know it or, the way,I'm getting the discharge paper can take him with you...just take care of him..

*jk nodded his head and doctor left from there*

Hobi: who is gonna talk to him??


Hobi: don't be quiet,guys..we have to talk to him that to calmly...

Jk: hyung,why don't you talk??you are very calmed than us..

Yoongi: go and talk to him..

Hobi: can't face him..I would feel more guilty if I face him..

Jk: then,who'll go??

Yoongi: you go..he is your husband...

Jk: hyung,please...I can't...appa,you go nah...

??: noone need to go..I'm going..

*a voice stopped them from arguing and they looked back to see it was jin!!*

Namjoon: why did you came??you should have take rest..

Jimin: we tried to stop him but,he wasn't listening  to us..

Jin:thank god!!I didn't listen to you..or else,they would never go inside to get him back..

Yoongi: eomma,we are feeling to see him..

Jin: you should definitely  feel that way..anyways,I'm going inside to bring him..

*then,jin went inside the cabin and others were looking at jin and tae through the glass window.. *

*in the cabin*

Jin(softly): tae??

*he flinched hearing the voice and started backing away..*

Jin(softly): don't be scared  sweety,please..I won't harm you...


Jin:let's go home,dear..


*tae silently stand up and went close to the door which was a signal for jin that he is ready to go...then,they both came outside..*

*Finally,they reached their mansion silently..tae came out from the car and  directly was going to the maid quarter but,he stopped as,jin speaked*

Jin(softly): tae dear,you need to take rest...please,come to the room..don't go there...

*tae silently stand there looking  at the door of the maid quarter*

Jin(softly):you wanna stay there??

*tae nodded slowly*

Jin(smile at him):ok dear...go and take rest..

*then,tae left from there..*

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