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*things started changing between taekook after tae's confession..both of them came really close  to eachother...not just them,whole jeon family became close with,the whole family is happy as there is no tension's been an week tae confessed and jk is at home due to his weak health.....but today, he is suppose to visit now,jk is trying to make tae understand that he is still sick to avoid office...*

Jk(whinned): baby please!!!

Tae(done look): stop it kook're absolutely  fine now....

Jk(pouting): I'm not....see,I can't even walk properly due to my weakness...(showing tae that he really can't walk properly)

Tae: stop your drama have stayed home for one week..hyungs and dad are handling office should be there too,nah???

Jk: but,they are three people??

Tae: kook!!I'm talking about your work...why should they do extra work on your behalf??

Jk: but,I want to stay with you...

Tae: kook,I'm here with you all the time...just go and come back soon....

Jk: least,give me something  before leaving...

*saying that he leaned towards tae who leaned back*

Jk(whinned): what!!please!!!!

*tae chuckled at his behaviour and leaned towards him and pecked jk's  lips....After that he was about to pull out but jk didn't let him do that...then,jk started kissing him hungrily....*


Jk: ok,Babe...I'm leaving....are you sure you can stay alone??

Tae(smile): don't worry...I'll be ok..beside,mom and Lisa might come back soon...

Jk(concerned): I don't think so...I talked with mom...they won't be back till evening...beside,jimin won't come back today...he will be staying at his parents house...

Tae(softly): don't worry,kookie...I will be fine...

*jk cupped his cheeks*

Jk: I'll come back within  two three hours,ok??

Tae: what??no need,kook...please....

Jk: I'm not listening...I can't keep my both babies alone like that...

*then,he kneeled down and pecked on tae's belly...After that he stand up and  pecked tae's forehead*

Jk: ok love....I'm coming back soon...I love you....

Tae(smile): I love you too....

*then,jk left the house...*


*after an hour,someone rang the of the maid open the didn't took time for the maid to know who it,all of them are watching  this particular person  to come here and create some new problems...the maid was about to stop him but before that he entered inside the house...*

Maid: sir,there is no one at home....please,come later...

*didn't paid heed to the maid*

??(shouting): TAE!!!

*By then,all other maid also  came there..*

Ajumma(in mind): han!!I should  call jungkook,before he creates some problem...

*then,she left to call jk..*


*meanwhile, with jk*

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