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*Time Skip After One Week*

*tae is taking rest while thinking about something...just then,jk came inside with food.Then, he put the plate on the side table of their bed..then,he sat on the bed and helped tae to sat properly..*

Jk(softly): love,what's the matter??

*hearing jk,tae became startled*

Tae: kookie,when did you came??

Jk(softly): baby,what's  the matter??is something bothering you??

Tae(shooked his head): n-no kookie...

*jk clearly understood that tae is lying..but,he didn't said anything*

Jk(softly): ok,leave it...come here...

*saying that jk pulled tae into his lap*

Tae(cutely): what are you doing??

*then,jk caressed tae's stomach*

Jk(softly): we need to fill this little tummy of yours!!

Tae(pouted): but,I'm not hungry...

*jk kissed his pout*

Jk(softly): but still,you have to eat have to take the medicine..

Tae(pouting):  but,I don't like the taste of it...

*then,jk pretended to think*

Jk(softly): ok,how about this??First,finish the food and take your medicine... then,I'll give you ice cream!!

*hearing that tae's eyes sparkled and soon,he  opened his mouth making jk  chuckled...then,jk started feeding tae..After few minutes,jk started talking while feeding tae*

Jk(softly): you know something???no matter how much you try,you can't lie to me...

*jk's focus was in the food and,tae looked at jk while swallowing the food*

Jk(softly): it's ok if,you don't want to share it with me but at least,don't lie to me..

Tae: kookie,it's  not like that...

*then, he gave tae another bite..*

Jk(softly): then,how it is tae??I  clearly saw,you were worried about something...and if you say it's  nothing then,do you think I'll be at peace??

Tae(looking down): I thought,you will be angry after hearing it...

*finally, jk finished feeding tae...then,he cleaned tae's mouth with a napkin and then,gave him his medicine...After that,jk hold tae's chin and made him look at him(jk)*

Jk(softly): you already put yourself into a big trouble by hiding  your visit to bogum's  place...and why do you decide that I'll be angry without talking to me..tae,you can tell me anything without any hesitation..I would never get angry with you...yeah,I agree I would have stopped you from going to bogum's  place..but,if you had told me at least,I could have come with you too...After one incident,you're again hiding things from me..

Tae(pouting): sorry...

*jk kissed his cheeks and then,hugged him*

Jk(softly): baby,you don't need to be sorry..all I'm saying is that you should never hide anything from me...even if it is a small long as,it is about  you, I should know everything....

*tae pulled out from the hug and nodded his head*

Jk(smile): good,tell me what is bothering  you??.

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