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*currently, jimin and Lisa also came at tae's house to help him to get ready...tae came out from the bathroom after taking a shower and saw baekhyun was giving jimin and lisa a plate full of fruits*

Jimin(whining): hyung,I don't need it...

Baekhyun(sternly): I'm not asking jimin...just finish it...and don't worry,I didn't gave papaya  since Lisa can't eat it and berries which you can't eat...finish this...I'm bringing juice for you both...

*tae was looking at them while frowning...seeing him,baekhyun smiled at him*

Baekhyun(smile): oh!!you're done!start getting ready,tae..I'm getting something  for you too...

Tae(frowned): why can't jimin eat berries??

*he questioned making others smile*

Lisa(softly): because,doctor told him not to eat...

*tae was frowning not understanding but soon he realised and looked at jimin being surprised*

Tae(stunned): is it what I'm thinking??

*jimin nodded while biting his lips...tae went close to him and hugged him tightly*

Tae(excitedly):oh my god,chim!!I'm so happy for you....

*then,he caressed jimin's stomach*

Lisa(smile): ok..ok...do this once the wedding is done...now,start getting ready or else,we will definitely get late...

Baekhyun(smile): ok so,you guys start getting ready...I'm going out to see the preparations..and tae,don't worry about yeri...she is with chanyeol and I'll get her ready..

*then,she left from the room*

*meanwhile,with jungkook*

*after coming from tae's house,jk is silently sitting on the sofa knowing what's coming for him..everyone was glaring at him and he is pouting*

Jk(pouting): what???whole ride,I said sorry...now,leave it nah...now,will you all scold me at my wedding day??(faking sadness)

*others sighed very well understanding his dramas*

Jin(softly): just because of the marriage,I'm letting you go this time...now,stop your melodrama  and go for shower...

*jk gave his bunny smile and ran to his room..others shooked their head*

Yoongi: idiottt!!!

Jin: go and get him ready and you'll get ready too...

*nodding their head,hobi and yoongi ran after jk*

Jin: did you checked all the arrangements  in the venue??

Namjoon(smile): don't worry...everything  is perfectly  fine...


*Wedding Venue*

*Jungkook's Greenroom*

*here jungkook is waiting as tae is not here yet..he was continously looking at the mirror to see if he is looking good or not...and continously asking his hyungs if he is looking really good or only good*

Yoongi(rolled his eyes): for god sake,Jungkook!!for the 38th time I'm telling you that you're looking good...stop annoying  me.....

Jk(pouting): only good!!!hyunggg!!tae will look so beautiful...I should also look good to stand beside him,nah!!

*yoongi was trying his best not to shout at his bratty brother*

Yoongi(took a deep breath): you're looking very handsome,jungkook...

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