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*Next Week*

*yoonmin and taekook went to the hospital*

*in the hospital*

*jimin nervously waiting for the doctor when tae went close to him*

Tae: don't worry,chim...everything  will be fine...

Jimin: I'm nervous,tae.. what if it doesn't wo___

Tae: be positive,chim...I'm sure  it will just need to be strong...

*jimin nodded his head..soon,doctor called them and yoonmin went inside the ICU*

Jk(nervous): I just hope everything  will be fine..

Tae(softly): don't worry...I'm sure everything  will be fine..

*after 3 hours*

*finally,yoonmin came out from the ICU*

Jk(softly): what did doctor said,hyung??

Yoongi: doctor told me to take good care of him till next two week...

*jimin was standing being nervous...then,tae hugged him..*

Tae(softly): just one more pain and then,everything will be worth it,trust me...

*they pulled out from the hug and tae cupped jimin's face*

Jimin(teary eyes): it will be p-positive,right??

*tae wiped his tears*

Tae(smile):I don't know about you but,I have full confidence  that it will be positive ..

*jk and yoongi was staring at them while one had pure adoration and the other one was thinking something*

Jk: ok..ok...enough of being too much emotional...let's go now..

Yoongi: yeah,let's go..

*then,they left from there towards their home..*


*in the evening*

*Lisa,jimin and tae were talking siting in the couch*

Tae: where is hyung???

Lisa(pouting): don't talk about him..

*jimin and tae shared a look*

Tae(softly):what happened,noona??did you both had a fight??

Lisa: I did was him...

Jimin: but,what he did??

Lisa: I told him,I was thirsty get me something to drink...

Tae(softly): so??

Lisa: do you know what he got??

Jimin(curiously): what???

Lisa(done look): water!!!

*tae and jimin again shared a look*

Jimin: so??

Lisa(pouting):what so??I wanted juice and he  gave me water!!is that right??

Jimin(whisper to tae): does mood swings  starts this fast??

Tae(whispered back): I don't think so...

Tae(softly): noona you should have told hyung to give you juice...

Lisa(pouting): he should have understood,nah???didn't even said sorry to me...

Tae(smile): it's ok,noona...don't worry...I'm sure he is also feeling bad to upset you...

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