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*John looked at bogum who was sitting on the floor with blank expressions and then looked at jk,yoongi and soobin...then,he started talking...*


*Jaehyun was in his office when two people entered inside the cabin*

Jaehyun: how dare to come inside like that??

??(smirking): relax,dude..we are here for your own good...

Jaehyun(frowned): what do you mean??

??: well,let me introduce myself first...I'm Park Bogum!!!and he is my best friend,John...

Jaehyun: and,I don't know you both...

Bogum: but,you know someone who was very precious to me...

Jaehyun(confused): who??

Bogum: Jiah!!

*jaehyun became shocked hearing the name..After all,he know everything that happened with tae and jiah...but,he was confused if he is thinking about the same girl or,not..*

Bogum:well,you're thinking right..

Jaehyun: huh??

Bogum: I'm talking about the same girl who committed suicide because of your brother's younger son.

Jaehyun(in mind): wait....he thinks,tae is responsible  for her death??

Jaehyun(blankly): but,why are you here???I have nothing to do with it...

Bogum(smirk): but,you want your brother's  property...don't you??

*jaehyun looked at him being shocked*

Bogum(smirking): don't pretend...and you don't need to bother about how I know!!

Jaehyun: what do you want???

John(blankly): you help us and we'll help you...

Jaehyun: what help??

Bogum(blankly): I'll kill your brother and his wife...and,you have to take the blame...

Jaehyun(widen  eyes): what??I don't want to go jail for your crime...

John: shut up and listen...uku won't go to'll take the blame as in,you'll scare taehyung by saying you killed  them and they wrote the property on your name..

Jaehyun(amazed): you can make them write the property on my name??

John: that's not possible,idiot...

Jaehyun: what??then,why should I help you??

Bogum: Taehyung's  brother doesn't stay here...and if something happens to Mr and Mrs kim then,the property will be handover to taehyung and his brother...I don't think that idiot will understand just say that they gave the property to you that's it...

John: basically from then,you have to make Taehyung's  life a living hell!!

Bogum: but,you won't do anything without our orders..

Jaehyun: fine!!as long as I get the property!!


*on the day of Mr and Mrs Kim's death*

*tae was in college..Mr and Mrs kim were sitting on their couch,talking about something..just then,bogum along with John came there*

Mr kim: why did you came  here??

Bogum(smirk): to fix my mistake..

Mr kim(frowned): what do you mean??

Mrs kim(softly): look,please,stay away from our tae...I beg you..I understand  that you're doing it because of jiah but,please trust us...tae never did anything wrong to her..

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