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*after an hour,jk went inside their room to see it was empty...he gritted his teeth as,tae was nowhere to be seen in the room..*

Jk(in mind): why are you forcing me to do something that I don't want to do??

*he was about to leave the room when he heard a sound from the bathroom..so,he went close to the bathroom*

Jk(deep voice): tae...are you inside??

Tae: y-yeah...

Jk (calmly): I'm waiting for you...come out soon...

Tae: c-coming..

*after a few minute,tae came out from the bathroom

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*after a few minute,tae came out from the bathroom..for a moment,jk forgot to breath looking at the beauty standing in front of him...later,an evil smirk appeared into his face as,tae was wearing the outfit he kept...then,he walked  towards tae who was walking backwards being nervous until,he got pinned between the wall and jk..*

Jk(deep voice): I can already see my answer in front of me...but still,I want to hear it from you...so,tell me...

Tae(nervously): I'M  READY TO BE YOURS!!..

*jk pressed his body with tae as soon as,
those words left his(tae) mouth...*

Tae(moan): aahhh!!

Jk(deep husky voice): now,you can't back off darling...how fucking inviting you are looking right now!!(licked his lips)

*then,he picked tae in bridal style and walked towards the bed...then,he made tae sit in the bed....After that he kneeled down in the floor,putting his both hands on tae's thigh...which made tae's breathing fast..*

Tae(nervously): wh___

*jk put his finger on his lips*

Jk(husky voice): shhh!!!let's not waste time in talking..

*saying that he started trailing his finger on tae's lips...then,jk leaned towards tae and captured his lips into his....at first, noone moved their lips...After a few minute, jk slowly started sucking his  lips...while doing that,his hands were roaming on tae's body...then,he slowly pushed tae on the bed...without breaking the kiss,he also hovered over him(tae)..now,he started kissing roughly...he pinned tae's hands over his head and started biting and sucking  his lips roughly..then,he licked tae's  lips few second for entrance...but,tae didn't understood so,he bite tae's  lips a little harshly which made him whimper and taking the chance,jk entered his tongue inside tae's mouth,exploring all the corner...he was continously sucking and biting his(tae) lips continously  until,he got satisfied..After 15 minute,he finally pulled out from tae to see a beautiful mess under him...tae was breathing heavily...his chest was going up and down...lips were completely swollen...jk was looking at him with lustful eyes...then,without wasting any more time,he attacked tae's neck and started giving love bites over there...*

Tae(moan): a-aahhh!!!ummmhhh!!!!

Jk(deep husky voice): MINE!!!all mine!!!

*saying that he again attacked on  tae's neck..giving hickey every corner of his white milky skin...After painting tae's neck with his dark purple hickey,he finally pulled out from him.*

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