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Tae: mom,I'm  going to college....

Mrs kim: ok dear...have a great day...

*then,tae left for college*

*In The College*

*tae was going towards the classroom when she bumped into someone *

Tae: hey,I'm sorry...I didn't saw you...

??(sweetly): it's ok...by the way,I'm park bogum...

*then,he forwarded  his hand which tae glad accepted..*

Tae(boxy smile): hi...I'm kim taehyung...

Bogum: Nice to meet you,taehyung....umm!!can we be friends??

Tae(smile): sure...by the way,I never saw you before!!

Bogum: that because,I'm a transfer student...I'm studying buisness...7th semester...

Tae: hey!!you're elder than me..I'm studying art and music....3rd semester....I guess,I should call you hyung...can I??

Bogum: of course you can...


Tae: then,we both started getting along very well...soon,we became very close...he used to help me in all situations....he even always cared for me...you know what?,he never let anyone disturb me too...but...

Jk: but,what??

Tae: one day,he came to our home...then....


Tae: hyung,this is my room...

Bogum: Nice room,I must say...

*just then,tae's phone ranged*

Tae: thanks hyung....umm!!hyung,can you sit here for sometime??I'll be back within five minutes...

Bogum: sure...but,where are you going??

Tae: actually,one of my classmates messaged me...she needs some notes...so,I'll just mail her those notes and come back soon...

Bogum: oh!!ok...

*then,tae left from there*


Jk: then,what happened??

Tae: I actually don't know...but when I went back,I saw mom and dad was in my room...they didn't said anything to me....but,after bogum hyung left,they kept telling  me to stay away from him..

Jk(frowned): what??but,why?.?

Tae: I don't know...I always  asked them the reason...but,they never told me anything...they just kept telling me to stay away from him..

Jk: and obviously,you didn't  listen to them...right??

Tae: yeah...I mean, without knowing anything why should I stop talking to him??god knows,why they never liked him??

Jk(in mind): because,they were smart enough to understand  that he is not a nice guy...but,you're too naive to see that..

Tae: kook!!!

Jk: yeah???

Tae: are you listening??

Jk: yeah...yeah....so,how you met han???

Tae: through,bogum hyung...

Jk(frowned): bogum??

Tae: yeah...han was bogum hyung's friend... he was giving a party where bogum hyung took me...

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