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*it's 5:30 now...jk woke up from sleep hearing the alarm and stopped it not to ruin tae's  sleep..then,he slowly get up from the bed and took his clothes and  went inside the bathroom..After 25 minutes,he came out wearing his clothes and checked if the yacht is going back or not...when he was confirmed it is going back,he started waking up tae...*

Jk(softly): baby.. c'mon  get up...

*tae hummed in sleepy tone making jk chuckled...then,he started caressing tae's hairs*

Jk(softly): c'mon love,wake up...we don't want anyone else to know that we aren't we??on top that,jimin will tease you too..

*tae opened his eyes and looked at jk while pouting*

Tae(pouting): but jimin knows,we are out...

Jk(smile): so what???he won't tease you..

Tae(glare at him): you just said he will tease me...

Jk(chuckled): fault...let me correct the sentence again....all I meant was,if we don't go back early then,he will definitely  tease you infront of others...

*tae again pouted*

Tae(pout): I'm tired....

Jk(smile): I know,petal...let's go home once...then,you can take rest....

*then,jk looked at his watch...*

Jk(softly): look,it's almost 6...if we reach by 7 or 7:30 then,no one will see us I guess...they all woke up after 8...

Tae(widen eyes): noooo!!!baekhyun  hyung wake up by 8....shit!!!

*saying that he hurriedly got up from the bed without realising he is naked...just when he realised his cheeks became red like tomato...jk got up and hold his chin to make him look at himself(jk)..*

Jk(husky voice): stop getting's nothing,I haven't seen right???

Tae(blushing): shut up...

*then,he pushed jk and took his clothes and ran inside the bathroom making jk chuckled*


*Kim Mansion*

*Baekhyun and jin were setting the table for everyone when jimin came there and continously was staring at the door*

Jin:jimin,why are you looking at the door??

Jimin(flinched):n-nothing eomma...

Jimin(in mind): god!!these two didn't came back yet!!!

*then,jimin was going towards his room hurriedly when he bumped into someone...when he looked at the person he widen his eyes as if he saw ghost*

Jk: god!!!at least now becareful...why the hell you are always in hurry??

Jimin(slow whisper): when did you came back???

Jk(casually): early in the morning...

*saying that he walked towards the table and sat on a chair.. jimin also went close to him and whisper something in his ear*

Jimin(slow whisper): how rude!!at least,you could have told I was worried that you both haven't came yet!!

Jk(rolled his eyes): we didn't went for war that you were worried...

*jimin was about to say something but cutted by Baekhyun*

Baekhyun(softly):  tae is still sleeping??

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