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*it's been two hours that tae is in operation theatre....jk is getting more,firstly,tae's health is not good...secondly, their baby is premature...thirdly,maybe their baby won't soon as the last thought came to his mind,he shrugged It off..*

Jk(whispering): they will be fine...they both will survive...yeah...stay strong...

*he was mumbling to himself... meanwhile, the whole family was getting scared seeing,he was not in a good state...suddenly, one nurse came out....everyone rushed towards her to ask questions...but,she didn't replied and left from there...soon,the nurse again came with a iv set and one bag blood...*

Jk(crying): please tell me,how is tae???how is my baby??

Nurse: we can't say anything right now...we are trying our best...right now,she needs lots of blood..let us do our work...please...

*saying that she went inside..and,jk again fall down while crying*

Jin: kook,control yourself please....

Jk(teary eyes): how can I eomma??he is in so much pain....

*another one hour passed..currently, the light outside the operation turned off..seeing that everyone waiting for the doctor to come...jk's heartbeat started getting fast...he was feeling anxious,nervous and scared...soon,the doctor came out...jk was silently waiting for the doctor to speak...he didn't had any courage to ask a question..*

Namjoon: h-how are they b-both doctor??(even couldn't control himself from getting scared)

Dr choi(sigh): operation was successful...

*everyone finally breathed peacefully and jk!!!he finally started breathing Normally..*

Dr choi:'s a baby  girl...

*everyone became so happy to hear that..and jk!!he was in cloud nine hearing he is a father of a baby girl...*

Dr choi: but..

*his happiness didn't last long...jk almost fell down thinking something might happen to tae..*

Jk(scared): b-but what???is my t-tae ok??

Dr choi: look,we saved both...but,they both aren't stable yet..specially,the,we are shifting the baby  to NICU(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) ward...since its a premature baby,we need to monitor her blood temperature and blood flow closely...

Namjoon: yeah...we understand .....

Jk(desperately): but tae??how is he??

Dr choi: he will be shifted Into ICU..since,he also needs to be in observation  for 48 hours....

Jin: can we meet them??

Dr choi: yeah you can..but becareful with the baby...make sure to wear the gloves,mask and other safety kit...

*everyone nodded...*

Jk: you guys go and see the baby...I'm going to meet tae..

*saying that he went inside the cabin...tae was laying on bed looking completely pale...but  he was not just looking pale but,lifeless too...which made jk frowned...jk went towards him and sat beside him...then,he cupped tae's cheeks...

Jk(concerned): baby,what happened??

*seeing jk,tae couldn't control it more..he tried to get up and jk helped him...then,he started crying making jk panick more...*

Jk(concerned): baby,what happened??please,tell me...

Tae(crying):I'm sorry....I'm really  sorry....because of me,we lost our baby...I'm really  sorry...

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