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*In Jeon Office*

*after reading,yoongi's  message,jk rushed towards offfice...After reaching there,he directly  went towards yoongi's cabin where hobi was present too..*

*yoongi's cabin*

Jk: hyung!!!

*yoongi and hobi turned towards jk*

Hobi: finally you came!!we were waiting for you.

Jk: what's the matter??was it true???

Hobi: yeah...I heard it from soobin...he is handling the case....

Jk: this is just did it happen???

Hobi: according to soobin,it is a murder....

Jk(shocked): whatt??

Hobi: yeah...and you know,what's  the strange thing is??

Jk: what??

Yoongi: he left from our house and one day after,he died....

Jk(shocked): what are you saying??

Yoongi: think it properly,kook...isn't it weird???just when he told tae that only he knows about tae's  parents....right after that,he died???

Hobi: exactly....

Jk: means,someone  definitely  don't want tae to know the reality of his parents  death....

Hobi: but,who??

Yoongi: maybe,I know....

Jk/hobi: who??

Yoongi: BOGUM!!!

Jk/Hobi: whattt??,

Yoongi: I'm sure he has something to do with guys didn't noticed....but,I saw how he used to stare at tae...

Hobi: but hyung,we can't  blame him just because he stares at tae...

Jk: yeah,hyung...even though,I also noticed him staring  at tae which I definitely  don't like...but I can't blame him just for this...beside,tae trust him alot...

Yoongi: it's not about staring only....I am telling you,that guy is quite dangerous....we should definitely  keep eye on him...I'm sure,he has something to do with han's death...

Jk: we can keep eye on him.....if,he killed han then it means,he killed tae's  parents too...

Yoongi: possible...

Hobi: are you talking to tae about his parents???

Jk: I asked him to tell me about his family....he is ready to talk...hopefully, I'll get to know everything today...

Yoongi: that's great,then....

*then,jk started thinking something*

Hobi: kook,what are you thinking???

Jk: hyung,I'm scared...

Yoongi: for what??

Jk: how am I suppose to tell this news to tae??

Hobi: why you want to tell it to him??

Jk: hyung,I can't hide it from him...just because of a lie,I already stayed away from him for so,I can't take the same risk again...

Yoongi: kook is right..beside,media is covering  the will be even more worse if tae heard it from somewhere else...

Jk: why the hell,my relationship is always at risk??this time,I can't loose tae for anything...

Yoongi: you won't....just becareful about tae....since,he trust bogum alot...I don't trust that guy at all...what if he try to do something to tae??seems like,he is quite desperate  to make tae divorce you...

Hobi: yeah,kook..don't let tae talk to bogum...since,hyung is doubting  him,we should be careful...

Jk: but,how am I suppose to Keep him away from bogum??he always talk to him ....I don't think,he would listen to me...

Yoongi: you have to find a solution...obviously, you can't tell tae to stop talking to bogum as,he won't do have to use other way...

Jk: I'll try to do that...for now,I need to find out about tae's  past.......


*At Night*

*jk went inside the room to see tae was in the balcony...then,he went towards the balcony....jk backhugged tae.. feeling the touch,tae looked at him*

Tae(smile): when you came??

Jk: just now...

*then,a comfortable silence took place...both of them were staring at the moon..*

Jk(deep voice): baby....

*tae hummed in response*

Jk(softly): I want to tell you something...

*tae turned towards jk*

Tae: what's the matter??

Jk: will you trust me??

Tae: kook,why are you saying this??I do trust you...

Jk: I have a news to give you....

Tae: what is it??

*jungkook took a deep breath *

Jk: remember, I got a call and I rushed towards office??

Tae: yeah..

Jk: I  actually  heard something...

Tae: what is it,kook??you're scaring me...

Jk: han is dead...

*After saying it jk looked at tae who became completely numb...jk was trying to search something in his if he wants to know if,tae still have any feelings for him or,not...but,he couldn't find any answer*

Jk(softly): baby,please say something...

Tae: is  it coincidence??he knew about my parents,kook..

Jk: it was a murder...

Tae(shocked): what???

*tae hugged jk and started crying while,jk was feeling anxious...*

Jk: d-do you miss him??,

*tae stopped crying and pulled out from the hug*

Tae: what???

*jk was looking down...tae hold his chin and made jk look at him..*

Tae:  have you lost it,kook??I don't love him anymore....I love you,only....why the hell it came to your mind??

Jk(scared): what should I do???I'm insecure tae...specially,after what happened between  us,I  always fear of loosing you...beside,the way you are crying for him...

*tae cupped his cheeks*

Tae: kook!!!I love you and only per as,my crying is concern....I'm crying because,he is the only person who knows about my parents,I lost all the hope to know the truth....

Jk:baby,you don't  need to loose your hope...I told you nah,I will find your all answers...and about han,I'm sorry....I just felt insecure...I ju___

Tae: kook,you don't need to explain...I understand it...

*jk  hugged tae*

Jk: love,is it ok for you to tell me about your past,now??

*tae was biting his lips and slowly nodded his head...*

Jk: so,shall we sit???

*tae nodded and  they both sat on the couch...*


Here comes the end of our 20th part...

Words Count: 1006

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