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*After checking tae,doctor is checking jungkook now...*

Jin(worried): doctor,how is he???

Doctor: is he skipping his meals???

*everyone became silent not knowing the answer..*

Jimin: he does skip his meals when no one is around,right???beside,he never sat with us for dinner....

Jin: yeah...he would never eat until you would keep an eye on him...

Doctor: but,this is not good for him...
Looking at him,it is clear that he is skipping  meals for many days...beside,he might be stressed too...I'm giving the medicine ..make sure he never skip them...also feed him properly or else, he might get ulcer....try to keep him stress free would be better if he stay at home for few days...

Yoongi: ok doctor...we will take care of it...

Doctor: okk then...let him rest for now....

*everyone nodded their head and left the room with the doctor..that's when everyone noticed tae outside the room who was looking down...*

Jimin: tae,what are you doing here???you should rest too...


Jimin(softly):  tae,what happened???

Tae(slow whisper): is he fine??

Lisa(smile): don't worry,tae...he is absolutely  fine...

Jimin: you wanna meet him???

*tae shooked his head*

Jin: then,who will take care of him??

*Jin said after coming with a plate of food for jk...*

Jimin(teasing): exactly....right now,kook needs his husband....we can't take care of your it yourself...

*tae was biting his lips*

Tae(nervous): but,w-what if he get upset???

Jimin: kook will get upset by seeing you???you must be kidding,right???

*Jin gave the plate to Lisa and went close to tae...then,he cupped tae's face*

Jin: tae....if you keep running away from him then,how will it get solved??you both have already  lost eight months....just go inside and talk to him,okmm

Tae: but,he is not fine right now....

Jimin(teasing): just go and tell him that you love him...his all sickness  will fly away....

*jimin and Lisa started laughing..finally,tae took the plate from Lisa and went inside the room...*

*In Taekook's Room*

*now,jk is in full sense...he was staring at the ceiling blankly....he was so in his own world that he didn't even noticed  that tae entered inside  the room..After entering, tae locked the door and went close to the bed...then,he put the plate in the side table and kept staring at jk...After gathering courage, he finally called him...*

Tae: k-kook!!


Tae: k-kook!!


*not getting any response,tae started biting his lips...then,he sat on the bed and put his hand on jk's hand...feeling a touch,jk looked at his hand and then,he turned towards soon as,he noticed tae his eyes widen...then,he hurriedly got up from bed..*

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