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*as soon as,hobi was about to  leave someone else entered their house..seeing the man,hobi stopped...*

??: excuse me??

*as soon as,others saw the person their was a frown in everyone's face except jin*

Jk(cold): what are you doing here,kai??

Kai: umm!hello,everyone...I came here to take my brother with me,if you don't mind..

*jk fisted his hands*

Jimin(blankly): after so many days,you remembered about your brother??.

Kai(fake smile): actually,we were a little bit busy that's why,we couldn't contact him...beside,he is in safe hand that's why,we never worried..

*even though,everyone could feel the fake tone but still,the last line made everyone felt guilty...*

Jk(cold): just say,what you want??.

Kai: I already said,I came to take tae with me...

Jk(cold): that's not possible..

Kai(fake sad tone): please...actually, mom and dad is really missing him alot...they would be happy to see him..

*then,hobi whispered something in jk's ear*

Jk(sigh): fine!!you can take him..

Kai(fake smile): thank you so much...

Jin: I'm calling him then...

Jk: eomma,wait...I'll go and bring him...

*then,jk left from there*

Jin(whispered in Jhope's ear): why did he agreed suddenly??

Hobi(whispered back):cause,I told him..if tae goes with him then,we can find out the actual relation between them...


Hobi(whispered back): let them go,first...then,we will tell you all..

*then,jin nodded*

*meanwhile, with taekook*

*tae was standing in the balcony when suddenly,jk entered the room....then,he directly went towards the balcony where tae was... *

Jk(deep voice): tae!!

*hearing the deep voice,tae flinched and stumbled..but,before he fall down jk hold him by his waist.. *

Jk: becareful!!

Tae: I'm sorry...

Jk(smile):it's ok..by the way,your brother has came to take you...

*hearing that tae freezed...jk was watching his reactions..*

Jk: what happened??

Tae: w-why  d-did he came??

Jk: to take you...he said,they are missing you so,he came to take you back..(rolled his eyes)

Tae: so,a-am I going??.

Tae(in mind): please say no...please....

Jk: yeah...you're gong..

*tae's all hope got crushed as soon as,jk said that...then,without saying anything he went to get ready....*

Jk(in mind): I can  see it clearly that you don't want to go...but,this is the only option to find out everything  about you...I'm sorry...

*after sometime,they both came down...*

Kai: ok,then...we are going...

*no one said anything...then,tae just left quietly with him...*

Lisa: what is happening??Will anyone explain???

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