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*Next Morning*

*tae woke up first feeling something heavy ove his chest...then,he noticed,jk was laying over his chest...he tried to push jk from him but,couldn't..so,he tried to woke him(jk)up...*

Jk(in sleep): aahh!!let me sleep,love ..

Tae: but,leave me atleast...

*jk hold him more tightly and looked at him with darken eyes..*

Jk (deep voice): never again say that... I would never leave you....either  you like it or,not...

*tae gulped hearing his deep voice*

Tae: j-jungkook...I didn't m-meant that...I  just wanted to woke up from the b-bed..but,you're holding me tightly..

*he said everything in one breath getting more and more nervous..then,jk started caressing his face*

Jk(husky voice): calm down,love...I'm not gonna eat you...don't be nervous...or,you  want me to eat you,again??(teasing)

Tae(blushing): shut up...

*jk chuckled at his blushing face...then,he eyed tae's lips...soon,he captured tae's lips into his and started kissing him passionately...while kissing him,he started pressing their naked body together...which made tae moan into his mouth...After getting fully satisfied, jk left his lips after making them swollen...tae started breathing heavily*

Jk(darken eyes): MINE!!JUST MINE!!fuck!!only,I can make you like this!!!right baby??

*tae was still breathing heavily so,he didn't respond..then,jk harshly pinched his nipples*

Tae(moan): aahhh!!!

Jk(deep husky voice): who can make you breathless,baby???

Tae: y-you...

*then,jk leaned into his neck and started sniffing his strawberry smells..*

Jk(deep voice): don't keep silence,when I ask you something...ok???

Tae: y-yeah...

*then,jk leaned into his nipples and started sucking them...*

Jk(husky voice): You're  just mine!!!

*jungkook's each words were screaming possessiveness towards tae...like this,he again started marking tae...After filling tae with his seeds finally,he stopped their  morning round..now,they both are breathing heavily..*

Tae(breathing heavily): aahhh!!!stop....i-i can't do m-more....I'm t-tired..

Jk(softly): sorry,love...I just couldn't control myself...let's take a shower...then,you'll feel better..

Tae:  no...I'm  tired...

Jk(softly): you don't have to do anything...I'm here for you...

*before tae could protest,jk picked him up and went inside the bathroom*

*After An Hour*

*jk came out with tae in his arm..then,he put tae into the bed and he went to the wardrobe to get some clothes for both of them..then,he walked towards tae....tae tried to take the clothes from him but,jk denied and later, he made tae wear his clothes and then,wore his own clothes...After that,he picked tae in bridal style and walked towards the dining room...*

Jk(softly): you wait...let me get food for both of us...

Tae: no...you stay...I'll get it...

Jk: do you know, how to cook??

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