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*In taekook's room*

*tae was continously banging the door...then,jk carefully opened the door and got in then,he hurriedly locked the door again...*

Tae: why you got me here??let me go....

*jk calmly went to the table and put the plate there..meanwhile,tae was trying to unlock the door but,it wasn't  opening as,he put a safety lock there which only he can open..that's why,a smirk  appeared  into his face..then,he went towards tae and backhugged him...tae started struggling into his arm..*

Tae: leave me...let me go,please...

*jk didn't said anything and just carried him towards the table and then,he sat down making tae sit on his lap...After that,jk hold his waist tightly with his one hand...with other hand,he tried to feed him but,tae was not ready to eat*

Jk(deep voice):eat it before I forcefully  feed you and trust me,if I start forcing then,you'll have to take many more things in your mouth(smirking)

*saying that he rubbed tae's thigh..then,tae glared at him but,ended up eating the food...then,jk took a medicine and forcefully put in tae's mouth along with water and made him swallow it..as soon as,tae swallow the medicine,jk smirked*

Jk(in mind): now,no one can come between us...you'll be mine forever..(smirking)

*then,tae stand up from his lap and about to move forward  but suddenly,he fainted.. and,jk hold him and put him in the couch....then,he called someone..*

*in the call*

Jk: get the car,ready....we're  coming...

*then,he cut the call...After that jk was staring at tae..and then,he leaned towards tae face and started trailing his finger on tae's lips..then,he leaned more and captured tae's lips into his and started sucking it roughly....After few minute, he pulled out and picked him up..then,he went towards the downstairs...*

Jin: kook,you made him unconscious???

Jk: otherwise,he wouldn't come,eomma...

Jimin: don't be rude towards him,kook..

Jk: what are  you saying,chim???I love him...I can never think  of hurting him..

Namjoon: then,what are you doing now???

Jk: appaa!!I know I'm playing some tricks on him but,it doesn't mean I'll hurt him...

Namjoon: what if he find out???

Jk: I would never let that happen,appa...u fucking love him,please..

Namjoon: we all know that son...just be careful...

Jin: take good care of him and yours too..

Yoongi: call us,if you need anything...

Jk: yeah...yeah...I will..

*then,jk was about to leave but before that hobi told him something*

Jk(smirk): thanks hyung...that's a great information...now,I know,how should I twist this story...hyung,you gotta do something for me...

Hobi: what is it???

*jk told him whole plan*

Lisa: are you sure,you would do that???

Jk: yeah...

Hobi: don't worry..I'll send you everything  within  few hours...

*then,jk left towards the car..he put tae inside and then,he get inside to...After that,he toom tae's unconscious body in his lap holding his waist securely..then,they left for their private jet...*

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