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Jimin: I was thinking something...

Jin: what is it chim??

Jimin(smirking looking at jk): next month,they will get married then,tae should stay at his brother's place till then,nah??I mean,we all got married from our parents house,right??

*jk widen his eyes*

Jk(hurriedly): what the hell??he is already married,ok??he don't need to go anywhere...

*everyone laughed seeing his reaction*

Baekhyun(teasing): but,he is right jungkook...beside,we have shifted to our house too...so,there shouldn't be any problem...we can take tae...

Jin: yeah,you're right...since,we are doing  the marriage again,let's complete it with full ritual...

Jk(whining):eommaaaaa!!you can't do that with me....tae won't go anywhere....and,that's final..

*everyone laughed*

Namjoon(chuckled): relax,kook..they are teasing you...no one taking him anywhere..

Lisa(teasing): but,we have to send him before the wedding day,right??

Jimin: exactly....

Jk(whining): hyungggg!!better you both handle your husband and wife..

Yoongi(yawning): I'm not interested  in your silly fights..

Hobi(chuckled): same here..

*jk was going to say something but,jin stopped them..*

Jin: ok,enough...let's go and eat something...

*then,everyone left towards the dining table while,jk went towards his room to call tae*


*At Night*

*after spending the whole day with jeon family,chanyeol and baekhyun left for their home in the evening.. currently, tae was trying to make yeri sleep while,jk enter inside the room..After coming inside,he closed the door making a little sound..*

Tae(slow whisper): stop making noise..I'm trying to make her sleep..

Jk(softly): sorry..

*then,he walked towards tae who carefully laid their daughter in the middle of the bed*

Jk(softly):did she slept??

Tae(slowly): yeah...

*then,they both looked at the baby with pure adoration..*

Jk(softly): didn't knew that seeing your child sleeping peacefully could be this much magical...

*tae looked at him with smile..then,jk hugged him...*

Jk(softly): thank you so much baby,for giving her to me..

*then,he pulled out from the hug and went close to the bed and leaned towards the baby...then,he pecked yeri's forehead*

Jk(softly): sleep well,princess...dada loves you alot...

*tae was looking at them both with so much love..jk was still staring at the baby*

Jk(softly):you know tae,when I had to choose between  you and her,I didn't even gave a second thought about saving her..for me,saving you was the most important  thing....but the moment,I  saw her, I can't tell you how much guilty I felt...that was the moment I realise,what I was going to loose!!

Tae(softly): kook!!!

*then,he walked towards jk who hugged him*

Jk(softly): I don't regret taking that decision...I needed  to save you at any cost...but,I felt angry that I didn't had any second option to save you both...

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