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Tae: I don't know how to face this!!

Jimin: please,say it clearly...what happened???

Tae: do you remember  when bogum hyung came with han for the first time???

*jimin nodded his head and looked at tae to know further..*

Tae: do you remember  what han said that day???

Jimin: yeah....

Tae: do you think he was right about me???

*jimin started remembering han's words*

Jimin(widen his eyes):  have you lost it tae??did you just believed  his words???

Tae(bitterly chuckled): why shouldn't I,tell me???didn't I slept with someone  else when I already  had someone  else in my life???

Jimin: for god sake tae,you didn't knew that he was alive...beside,you slept with your own husband...what's  wrong in that???

Tae: would you forget yoongi hyung,easily for someone else???

Jimin: what are you saying??I love yoonie..why would I forget him???I would never give his place to someone else...

Tae: exactly....but,I gave han's place to,his words were correct  about me...isn't it???how did I just let jungkook come close to me???how did I JUST FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM???

*jimin widen his eyes hearing tae's words*

Jimin: w-what????

Tae(teary eyes): I know what you might be thinking about me...but,I don't know how it happened...from the day han came back,I can't breath properly...this guilt is not letting me live....every night,I can't sleep thinking, I did wrong with jungkook and han....I just don't know what should I do???I'm so confused,jimin...

*he kneeled down while crying....jimin went close to him and sat beside him and then,hugged him...*

Jimin: tae,you're not wrong at all...your situation  was didn't intended to fall in love with just just happens,tae... Indeed, love often surprises us when we least expect it. It's a powerful and unpredictable emotion that can blossom in various ways and circumstances...that happened with you can't control or predict be honest with you,you never felt anything for  han,the way you feel for jungkook..

*tae looked at jimin with teary eyes*

Tae: what are you saying??it's not true...

Jimin: let me say it first...ok???

*tae nodded his head*

Jimin: tell me one thing...didn't you felt guilty as,your uncle captivated han???

*tae nodded his head*

Jimin: did you ever let han,touch you??

*tae shooked his head*

Jimin(smile): and how long you both  were in a relationship??

Tae: 2 years...

Jimin(smile): still,he never touched you...but,you and kook hardly knew eachother while getting married....but look at're pregnant with his child...

*tae was looking down....jimin hold his chin and made him(tae) look at himself..*

Jimin: tae,I'm not saying all this to make you feel guilty....I just want you to know that your heart already choosed the person whom it,you need to realise love your husband,there is nothing wrong in it...don't let others  words affect you...I know,you married kook to save han...even,kook married you to take revenge...but,we misunderstood wasn't supposed  to be you...or maybe,destiny  planned, you and kook can meet...I know,we can't change the old incidents...we have hurt you alot,tae...but trust me,we are not bad people...whatever  we did,it was for eomma...we thought,you were his son...

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