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*tae was staring at the sky while resting his hands on the fence of the yacht...just then,two hands wrapped around his waist making him smile...*

Tae(smile): the sky is looking so beautiful today...isn't it??

*jk hummed huskily while nuzzling his nose around tae's neck making tae fisting his hand around the fence*

Tae(gulp): k-koo!!

Jk(huskily): hmm..

*jk started giving wet kisses on his neck*

Tae(trying to hold his moan): k-oo..someone will  s-see us...

Jk(husky voice): no one would dare to come here babe...don't worry...

*saying that he turned tae towards himself and started caressing his face*

Jk(husky voice): so beautiful....

*started rubbing his lips making him close his eyes*

Jk(husky voice): not that I have never seen any beautiful  girl or,boy(pressed his body against tae's body)but,your beauty is something else that always manages to cage me and make me slave of yours...

*this time,tae opened his eyes and stared at jk who was already staring at him with lots of emotions...while staring at him jk picked him in bridal style and walked towards a couch and made him sit there...then,he kneeled down and took tae's   legs and started taking off his shoes while staring at tae...*

Tae(teasingly): is some kind of cindrella stories  going on here,huh??

Jk(deep husky voice): you're indeed my cindrella...not for 12 hours instead,forever...

*saying that jk kissed on his feet making tae gasped...jk looked at tae and  leaned towards his face and kissed on his forehead*

Jk(husky voice): I Love You Tae....

Tae(smile): I Love You Too,kookie...

Jk(softly): may I??(said looking at his lips)

Tae(blushing): y-yeah....

*jk cupped his cheeks and soon pulled him in a soft kiss...few seconds,no one moved their lips...After few second,they both started moving their lips...their soft kiss slowly started turning passionate..while kissing tae,jk got up pushing tae in the couch,he also got on top of him..jk was sucking and biting his lips hungrily..while kissing he pinched tae's waist making him whimper...taking the chance jk entered his tongue inside tae's mouth exploring each corner until he feel satisfied....even though he can never get enough of tae's lips but somehow pulled out from the kiss knowing tae having tough time to breath...After pulling out from the kiss,he was staring at tae with lots of emotions... love,lust,possessiveness,obsession everything can be seen in his eyes...*

Jk(husky voice):you're the sweetest  dessert that I can forever have without any break...(caressing his lips)

*saying that he was again going to attack on tae but,he(tae) stopped him*

Jk(whining): whyyyyyy?,

Tae(blushing): kook...look around you...what if someone comes??.

Jk(softly): they won't come baby...trust me...

Tae(shyly): still....

Jk(sigh): ok then...let's go...

* saying that he picked tae in bridal style and walked towards the room he decorated for their night and forgotten because of the beauty standing infront of him...*

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