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*Next Morning*

*tae woke up to see he was alone in the bed..*

Tae(frowned): where is he??

*however, he got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get freshen up..After sometime,he came out from the bathroom and went towards yeri since,she also woke up...After breastfeeding her,he went out of the room along with yeri..while going downstairs, he noticed there is a rush in the whole house..*

Tae(frowned): what is happening, here??

*seeing tae,Lisa walked towards him*

Tae: what is happening noona??

Lisa: nothing important...forget  about tell me,what are you still doing here??

*she said trying to avoid the conversation*

Tae(frowned): what do you mean??

Lisa: where is kook??

*before tae could reply,jk came there*

Jk(softly): I'm here  

Tae: where were you??

Jk(softly): I will tell you later...First go and get ready..

Tae: why??

Jk: no question,now...just get ready fast...

*then,jk took yeri from him*

Jk(softly):c'mon baby...I'm waiting..

*tae sighed and went to his room to get ready*

Jk: you guys can take care of my little  Princess,nah??

Jin(rolled his eyes): don't pretend that you're the only one who became parents here...I have  handled three alone,ok??

*jin said after glaring at jk and then,he took yeri from jk who pouted*

Jin: now,leave early....before we tell him what is this preparations,for!!!

Jk(whining): eommaaaa!!!!

*Jin and Lisa laughed*


*after half an hour,tae and jk left from,it's been one hour,they are going towards their destination and still didn't reached*

*while driving*

Tae(irritatedly): kookkkk!!!

Jk(softly):what happened, baby??why are you getting irritated??

Tae: seriously??I'm asking you since last one hour,where are we going!!!but,you're not replying...

Jk(calmly):and I also told you that wait for another one hour...then,you'll know..

Tae: kookkk!!!

Jk(softly): baby,please...we are almost there....just a lit bit patience..

*tae pouted and looked outside the window*


*after another one hour*

*they finally reached to their  destination only to make tae frowned*

Tae(glaring at jk): Hotel???

Jk(smile): relax darling...this is not the place where I wanted  to take you...

Tae: then,why are we here??

Jk(softly):stop questioning  too much and let's go'll know it soon..

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