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*suddenly, they heard yeri crying...so,both of them  rushed inside the room...tae was trying to stop the baby from crying while jk was staring them with love filled eyes...when the baby stopped crying tae again speaked*

Tae: I have one more thing to tell you...

Jk: what is it,love??

*saying that jk took the baby in his arm and started  playing with her..*

Tae: I have a brother too...

*jk stopped playing with the baby and looked at tae with surprised look..*

Jk: like,real brother??

Tae(done look): are you serious right now??of course,real brother....or else,why would I tell you??

Jk: yeah,right...but wait....where is he now??why didn't I saw him till now??I'd he younger than you or,elder??

Tae: oh god....let me answer one by one..

*jk nodded his head*

Tae: when I was around 15,hyung shifted in America...later,he fall in love with someone and got married with him...its been one and half years,I saw him last...but after mom and dad gone,I lost contact with him...

Jk: what is your brother's  name??

Tae: Chanyeol...

Jk: is it kim,too??

*how can someone be so dumb-tae thought*

Tae(done look): yeah..

Jk: you have anything else to say about your past??

Tae: no....I guess,I told you everything  about my past...

Jk: ok then...take her..I'm coming soon...

*saying that  he gave  yeri to tae*

Tae: but,where are you going at this hour??

Jk: I need to talk to hyung...

*he was about to leave but,tae stopped him*

Tae: have you lost it??it's midnight,now...

Jk: but,I need to talk...

Tae: not now....it's too late...sleep now...

*saying that tae put yeri in the middle of the bed and he laid in the left side *

Tae: why are you still standing??come,let's sleep...

Jk(pouting): why is she there??

Tae: what do you mean by that??where will I keep her,then??

Jk: she have a cot,right???

Tae(done look): are you serious right now??she is a baby....she needs me....

Jk(mumble):I need you too...

Tae: did you said something???

Jk: n-no...

Tae: then,come...sleep now...

Jk(mumbled): who told you to have baby,idiot???

Tae(frowned): are you saying something???

Jk: of course,not..

*then,he laid in the right side of the bed*


*Next Morning*

*Jeon Office*

Yoongi: what's  the matter,kook??

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