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*Somewhere in America*

*a man was looking at a family photo with teary eyes...*

??(teary eyes): I miss you three so much....why did you guys left me alone??only I know,how I'm living....I wish,I was there....I wish,I could have save you.....

*he was crying when someone put a hand on his shoulder*

??: how long,would you keep mourning like this,chanyeol??

Chanyeol(teary eyes): what should I do,baekhyun??I miss them alot...do you know,tae used to be scared of fire alot...
That's  why,we never let him enter inside the kitchen....and that little brother of mine died in road accident....his whole body burnt...how much pain he might have felt..I wish,I could rewind the time and save them....

Baekhyun: stop feeling guilty, chanyeol....we can't change the reality....

Chanyeol(teary): that's what makes me feel more guilty...I just want them back...I wish,I hadn't came back that day...then,they would have been with me...I couldn't even see them for one last time...I still remember  when jaehyun  uncle told me about them....



*on call*

Chanyeol: hello!!

Jaehyun: hey chanyeol!!

Chanyeol: how are you uncle??

Jaehyun: I'm good...what about you??

Chanyeol: I'm good too...umm!!uncle,is everything  fine there???I was calling mom,dad and tae...but,no one is answering....

Jaehyun: now,no one will answer....

Chanyeol(frowned): what do you mean??

Jaehyun: they are no more...they died in  a road accident...


Jaehyun: hello??hello???Chanyeol, are you there??

Chanyeol: y-you're kidding r-right??

Jaehyun: no,I'm not..this is the truth...anyways,I need to go...bye...

*cut the call*


Chanyeol(teary eyes): such a bad son and a bad brother I am..I couldn't even be there when they needed me....if I hadn't called uncle,I would have never knew about it....

Baekhyun: Chanyeol, I don't want to sound rude but,don't you think Jaehyun  uncle sounded totally  emotionless  while talking about it??

Chanyeol(frowned): what do you mean??

Baekhyun: I don't know..but,the way he speaked I feel something  is wrong...and see nah,after that day,he never received  our  call again too...

Chanyeol: that's weird though...but,why you never told me that you have doubt about him??

Baekhyun: I'm not sure about it...then,how can I tell you??

Chanyeol: somehow,I'm at fault too...I should have visited Korea...but,I didn't...instead  of crying all day,I should have gone there....

*he again looked at his Family photo*

*Meanwhile, at the jeon mansion*

*Namjin's Room*

*jin was standing in his balcony while staring at the sky...he was drowned in thoughts when namjoon came..*

Namjoon: jin??

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