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*In The Church*

*currently, jeons and Kim's are in the church with the new baby of the family...Father was doing prayers for the wellbeing of the newborn along with the other 5 kids..*

Father(smile): what did you choose to name the boy??

*tae and jk looked at eachother with a smile..then,jk speaked*

Jk(softly): Taegguk!!!

*then,father finished the rest of the prayer and gave the boy to tae while jk was holding yeri in his arm*


*In The Evening*

Yeri(excitedly): mumma,what will I wear?

Tae(pretends to think): yess!!!you'll wear  the beautiful frock that your dada brought for about that??

*yeri excitedly started clapping her hands...tae chuckled at her excitement and kissed her forehead..then,he went close to the cupboard to take Yeri's dress..jk was standing at the door while adoring his cute family..just then,their little boy started crying too..seeing that tae started going towards him and jk walked towards yeri*

Jk(smile): hey princess!!!

Yeri(boxy smile): dadaa!!!₩₩

*she forwarded her hands towards him showing him to carry her..with a chuckle,jk did what she wanted*

Jk(smile): what is my baby doing??

Yeri(cutely): I'm getting ready dadaa..mumma is making me wear this frock..(showed him the frock)

Jk(softly): can dada makes you ready??

Yeri(excitedly): yessss dadaaa!!

*jk looked at tae and wink at him who just lovingly smiled at his husband...well,jk saw tae's confusion while leaving the dress on bed and going towards their little boy..they both knew yeri might feel upset or think that they don't love her...that's why,before she could think anything,jk went towards her..well,that's how a couple should prioritise both kids equally...shouldn't they??*

Jk(softly): let's get ready princess...

*jk made yeri ready...while,tae fed taegguk...After that he made the boy ready too..jk was already ready so,he picked yeri*

Jk(smile): me and my baby is ready...we are first!!!

Yeri(clapping her hands): yessss,dada!!!mumma and ggukie is lastttt!!

Tae(smile): yeah..yeah.. whatever... rabbits are anyways faster than anyone..(rolled his eyes)

Jk(wiggling his eyebrows): of course... who would know it better than you that how fast I  can be!!(smirking)

*tae choked hearing him and then,glared at jk who was giving his most innocent smile*

Tae(mumbled): idiot,pervert... stupid...shameless  bunny!!!

Jk(innocently): are you saying something??

Tae(tight lipped smile): yeah... please,get lost....

*yeri was giggling hearing them bickering...both jk and tae looked at her trying to understand what made her laugh!!*

Yeri(giggled): mumma got angry cause,he lose...

*tae sighed and again glared at both father daughter*


*At The Party*

*the parry was arranged to welcome the little member of jeon family..*

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