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*At Night*

*taekook were sleeping while,yeri was sleeping in the middle of them while hugging her dada tightly as if,someone will take him away from her....well,the kids have a separate  room for all of them to sleep together...but yeri sometimes sleeps in the Taekook's Room specially when jungkook comes back from long trips....*

*three of them were sleeping peacefully until,tae's phone rang...with sleepy eyes,somehow he received the call...he was talking when jk also woke up from the soon as tae cut the call,jk worriedly looked at him*

Jk(softly): baby,what happened???

Tae: it was a patient...

Jk(worried): is everything ok??

Tae: no..actually...that person was under physiotherapy...his family is saying he is having severe pain...

*jk got up from the bed*

Tae(frowned): where are you going??

Jk: to change clothes...we have to go,right???

Tae(smile): yeah....

*well,in this four year,tae became a neurosurgeon after finishing his studies...and during his pregnancy also he kept visiting his patients  since, a doctor can never be off duty...that's why,everytime jk will take him to the hospital or if necessary then,to the patients house too...*

*after getting ready,jk carried yeri and went to the kids room and put her in her bed and kissed her forehead..*

Jk(softly): sleep well,bub...dada will be back soon...

*then,he went out of the room to see tae was standing there*

Jk(softly): you're ready,love???

Tae(smile): yeah...

Jk(softly): you will take your medical kit???

Tae: yeah,I have it...

Jk: ok...wait...let me get it...

*after taking it,they both left for the patients house*



*it was almost 3 am when taekook came back home...After coming back both got freshen up and was about to sleep when tae said he is hungry*

Jk(smile): what you wanna eat,baby??

Tae(cutely): noodles....

Jk(softly): ok...let's go and feed my cute hungry tiger..

*then,they both went to the kitchen..tae was sitting on a chair while jk was making noodles for tae..After 15 minutes,he gave a bowl of noodles  to tae*


Jk(softly): sorry,babe...wait..let me get it...

*then,jk brought a tomato sauce bottle..he was about to open the bottle when tae stopped him*

Jk(softly): what happened,baby??

Tae(making weird faces): I don't want this one..

Jk: then??

Tae(cutely):tobasco sauce!!!!

Jk(widen his eyes): whatttt??but baby,you can't even tolerate  normal chilly sauce...

Tae(stubbornly): but,I want tobasco sauce!!!

Jk: but!!!!

Tae(teary eyes): I want that only...

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