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Hobi:  Chanyeol!!!are you listening???

Chanyeol(nervous): h-huh??

*everyone became shocked seeing him stuttering..in this one day,they all understood that chanyeol is definitely a tough guy but for tae he is very sensitive...his stuttering made it clear that he definitely know about it..then,jk walked towards him and kneeled down while folding hands*

Jk(crying): h-hyung!!!I'm begging you,please....if you know anything then,please say it....please hyung....no one knows where tae is!!I'm  already scared enough....don't scare me more please...I can't afford to loose him...please hyung...

Baekhyun: chanyeol  just say it....

*Chanyeol looked at baekhyun and then at jk...then,he made  jk stand up..*

Chanyeol(softly): let's sit first....

*then everyone sat down..*

Chanyeol(blankly):as much as i understand by his words, there was only one girl in his life who died !!!it all happened  four years ago...

Yoongi: who is she??and,how she died??

Hobi: and,why she died???

Chanyeol: she used to love tae...

Lisa: so??what it has to do with her dying??

Chanyeol: but,tae never loved her....actually, tae was never interested  in love that time....that girl came into his life out of nowhere and turned our life upside down....the first day she came to college she saw tae  and became head over heel for him..tae was becoming a crazy obsession  for her....I still remember,tae declined her proposal  quiet decently...but,she wasn't ready to accept it...she crossed all the limits to get tae...

Jimin: what she did??

Chanyeol: she started  insulting tae's  friend...if anyone talk to tae then,she would insult them infront of the whole college so badly that they would feel ashamed to visit college again....like this,all his classmates started going far from him...no one used to talk to him just to be saved from her...

Jin: she did it because he rejected her??

Chanyeol: no....

Lisa: then??

Chanyeol: she did it because she couldn't stand anyone talking to tae...in fact,one day  a boy  proposed  tae   which she saw and couldn't stand it...so...

Namjoon: so???

Chanyeol: she morphed  a vedio of that boy where he was  completely  naked and uploaded it on Internet...

*everyone widen their eyes hearing that*

Yoongi: what the hell??is she psycho or what???

Chanyeol: no..don't even think that she is psycho...because,she wasn't....she did everything  with proper plan...and do you know who suffered in all this??my little brother...

Hobi: but,why him???he did nothing...

Chanyeol(bitterly chuckled): if a innocent die because of someone else's  fault and the blame comes to you then,what will you do??

Jin: what do you mean??who die___(widen his eyes)

Jin: that boy???

Chanyeol: when he saw the vedio,he committed  suicide  because of the fear..fear of being judged by the society...and after his death,everyone  started blaming tae...because,after proposing tae,his video  was uploaded on Internet...but,thinks didn't stopped here....she did everything  openly but,the blame always came on tae...he was getting  mentally  disturbed for all this...while,her obsession  was becoming dangerous...she was becoming more and more obsessed with tae...because of her craziness,she one day forcefully  took tae with him....and whole day,we became worried  for him as he wasn't coming back from college and not receiving  his call too..then,I went to search him in the college but,couldn't find him...

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