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*Next Morning*

*tae woke up to see jk was already staring at him with so much love*

Tae(cutely): morning,kookie...

*jk kissed on his forehead*

Jk(smile): morning,love...shall we get up now??mom has called me millions  of time already...

Tae(frowned): what happened??is everything  ok??is yeri ok??(asked being worried for his daughter)

Jk(softly): relax love...she is absolutely  fine...don't worry...

Tae: then,why he called??

Jk(pouting): to remind me that I have to drop you at your home..

Tae(frowned): what about yeri??

Jk(pouting): that's why,we have to go our home first..After all,she will go with you too...

Tae(raised his eyebrows): so,why are you pouting??

Jk(pouting): nothing...let's go...

*he was about to get up but before that tae hold his hand and jk looked at him...then,tae cupped his cheeks*

Tae(softly): you are the one who wanted to get married again..isn't it??

*jk again pouted*

Tae(softly): kookie,it's  about one day,only..

Jk: yeah...yeah...I know that..

Tae: now,stop sulking..or should I tell eomma to cancel the marriage??

*jk widen his eyes hearing tae's words*

Jk(hurriedly):who is sulking??I'm not sulking...

Tae(smile): yeah...I can see that...

Jk: ok.. ok...let's go before eomma call me again..

*then,they went towards the car and left toward their hotel to take their clothes...After collecting their clothes and  finishing all the payments,they left for jeon mansion*

*Jeon Mansion*

Jin: Finally, you both came!!

*he said as soon as he saw  tae and jungkook entering inside the mansion...*

Jk(whining): why were you calling me so much??

Jin(done look): are you even serious  or,what??I told you clearly to drop tae at his home and come back soon so,we can start all the preparations....

Jk: you guys could have started it already...

Jimin: we already did,idiot...

*said while walking towards them with yeri in his arm...then,tae took yeri from him*

Jk(irritatedly): then,what's  the problem??

Jimin(done look):wedding ring!!!

Jk: huh??

Jin(calmly):you said,you'll buy the wedding ring..didn't you??now,how will you get married without the ring??

*jk gulped knowing he messed it up badly*

Jk(looking away): I'll get it..you don't worry...

Jin(sternly): you better get it..

Jin(sigh): before today,we didn't had such wedding were everything was messed  up!!

Lisa: how can you forget that it is your younger  son's marriage...so,it was obvious to happen...

*Lisa and jimin laughed while jk glared at them while,tae was biting her lips and jin!!he was done with everything*

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