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*jk came back home when the whole house was full of darkness as,no one was awake*

Jk(bitterly chuckled): what do you expect???someone will stay awake for you??he hates you now...you better except the truth...

*saying that he was about to go upstairs but before that,living room's lights got on...*

Jk(bankly): why are you still awake eomma??

Jin: what do you expect me to do??my son will sleep,empty stomach and I'll  let that happen???

Jk(softly):  I'm not hungry eomma...so please,go and sleep...

Jin(softly): won't you eat for me,at least???

Jk(sighed): fine..

*jk sat in the dining table along with jin...someone else was still awake too..After seeing that jk is eating,he left from the corner...it was tae who couldn't help but wait for jk to come..but something caught his attention before leaving...it was a bandage in jk's hand..*

Jin: what's wrong with your hand???

Jk: nothing...just got a cut...

Jin: and I'm asking how you got that??

Jk: while closing the car door,it got into hand...

Jin: I didn't know that my son know how to lie to me..


Jin(sigh): stop hurting yourself,kook...this way,you'll get nothing...


Jin: kookie,I'm talking to you...

Jk: I'm done,eomma...I'm going to sleep..

*he left from there*

Jin(sigh): what should I do about you???

*in taekook's room*

*jk silently went inside the room to see tae is sleeping...then,he went close to him and pecked tae's forehead and whispered something..*

Jk (softly): I love you,sweetheart....

*saying that he went inside the bathroom...as soon  as,he went inside the bathroom,tae opened his eyes,letting few drops of tears fall from his eyes*

*after coming out from the bathroom, jk slept on the couch...*

*Time Skip After 2 Months*

*it's been two month 0f tae's pregnancy...from that day,tae has locked himself in that room...jk would silently follow his all responsibilities towards tae..tae knows  it all...but,just like jk said,he never showed up infront of tae..he would always leave the home before tae woke up and come after tae sleep..now,he came to the hospital along with tae as,it's time for his check up...all the way to the hospital,he never talked with tae...although, tae stared at him quite a few times..*

*in the hospital*

*Doctor was doing the ultrasound of tae*

Dr choi: can you see that little bean over there...

Jk(blankly): yeah..

Dr  choi: that's  your baby...it hasn't grow yet...with time,it will be a grown up baby...

*how happy jk was feeling right now...but,can he show that emotions??no....he doesn't have the right to show his emotions,isn't it??*

Jk(blankly): hmm...is he(tae) fine??

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