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*Next Morning*

*here jk is trying to feed tae some fruits who is not ready to eat them...*

Jk(softly): bubba!! Please,eat nah....look,it's  good for you...

Tae(pouting): who said that??are you a doctor??

Jk(softly):  I'm not a doctor...but,I talked to a doctor...he told me to give you this fruits..once,he check you then,he will give medicines  for you...

Tae: then,let him check me first...I won't eat  fruits him...tell him to come right now...

Jk (softly): baby,he can't come here...we have to go back to our home...

Tae: then,why are we still here???

Jk(softly):baby,stop being stubborn  please...

Tae(whinned): I don't wanna eat this....why don't you understand??

Jk: about I give you some chocolate???

*tae's eyes started shining hearing about chocolate*

Tae(excitedly): really???give it to me....

Jk(softly): first,eat the fruits and then,I'll give you chocolate...

*finally,he made tae eat those fruits*

*Time Skip At The Evening*

*tae was resting while,jk was scrolling his phone...suddenly,they heard door bell...jk smiled knowing who are they...meanwhile, tae became excited hearing the,after one month,he is going to see some new face...after jk went towards the door,he also excitedly ran towards the door..*

*In The Living Room*

Tae(baby voice): who is it kookie??

*as soon as his eyes fall at the door,he started panicking....since,he saw jk's family,they never liked him...beside , last one month,he never talked about jk's,he don't know if they like him or,not...the only thing he knew was that,they hated him...remembering the past incidents,tears started rolling from his eyes...seeing tears in his eyes,jk ran towards him and hugged him tightly*

Jk(softly): baby,what happened??

*tae didn't said anything but,fisted his hands on jk's shirt...but,the whole jeon family understood,why he was getting scared....which made them feel,no one dared to say anything...then,jin took the first initiative and walked towards tae..*

Jin(softly): tae,baby..

*tae kept hugging jk tightly*

Jk(softly): baby,please  calm down...see,eomma is calling you..


Jk(softly):please, one will hurt you...please,talk to them...

*tae slowly left jk's shirt and turned towards jin who hugged him with so much love...tae was dumbfounded not knowing what to do..*

Jin(softly): don't be scared of us,son...I'm sorry for their behavior...please forgive them....

*then,jimin and Lisa also went towards them. *

Jimin(softly): yeah,tae....please  forgive us...

Lisa: we are really sorry...

*then,namjoon,yoongi and hobi also joined them*

Namjoon: we are sorry too,tae. 

Yoongi: we really regret for hurting you...

Hobi: we won't repeat the mistake...please,forgive us this time...

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