VII. Blood

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The Riva's might look like the model, wealthy, influential and sorted but they have had times of tragedy, especially the one where Elaine Riva lost her daughter Catalin Riva, The one who was supposed to be the solution to all her problems. Catalin's passing affected Claude like no one else , losing a twin is never easy especially when you both have been together almost all your life.


Some say it was planned murder by a rival, while some say it was an accident or there are others who even have said that it was suicide because of the pressure of the position she was going to be put in after her mother steps down. All the accusations twisted the knife of grief in Elaine's heart, people were forgetting the fact that other than a mere heir she was the light of Elaine's life, her only daughter. She was pained at the thought of Claude appearing alone in family gatherings as they always went together. In the back of her mind the promise with Jung Yuri also played but like a savior her best friend Jung Yuri, wife of Yoon Hanbin held her close, consoling her for her loss.

"The promise should be the last thing you have on your mind Elaine, grieve all you want, you are allowed to do that, you are her mother, let people talk whatever they want but never let their words control you" Jung Yuri encouraged her friend, giving her strength at a time of sadness.

Elaine survived the loss of her dear daughter and decided to not retire, reassuring her son that she will be fine, giving him support and her blessings for marriage. Katheryn was everything she could ask for in a daughter in law. She was kind, poise, smart and had a soft aura. Riva women were intimidating but the gentleness of Katheryn brought calmness to the matriarch. She often wondered alone that if there will be another Catalin, her daughter was the epitome of power, confidence, and intelligence, it would be false to say she wasn't counting on her son to have a daughter but she really decided that she will be happy with whoever her grandchildren will be.

Katheryn gave birth to her first son and five years later another son was born, the couple was happy and overjoyed but Claude knew deep down his mother might be worried.

"Mum, what will happen if I don't have a daughter?" The question itself stunned Elaine, she had hope but it was running out.

"I've decided not to retire until I'm gone from this world, this is not because I don't want to give away power or is clinging on to tradition, I don't want to suffer another loss just because I'm stepping off this position. I'm scared son, I want you to have a good family life, you owe it to Katheryn, I can't stand to fail you too like I did with Cate"

Both the mother and son held each other giving each other strength. "You didn't fail either of us mum, you did everything you could, even Catalin knew" Claude reassures his mother.

"If there is no female heir then it's fine after my passing you will take over but that won't be easy, people will use the change of tradition as something against you hence I should prepare for it beforehand, I know Katheryn is pregnant and I hope she won't have a tough time but still I'm sorting everything just in case" the matriarch stated resigned.

Just as Elaine was losing her hope of holding the tradition which was the center of the Riva Empire, her daughter in law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

The family was relieved, rivals and conspirators at loss,
"What's her name?" Elaine asks, teary eyed holding the infant.

"Veronika Elaine Riva" Claude answers, holding his wife's hand and looking at his mother with equal joy.

As little Veronika grew up, all Elaine could see in her was Catalin, the gestures, the personality, she was like Catalin but her granddaughter. Even Claude could see the similarity in personality and he felt like the luckiest father to have his three beautiful children. Three of them meant for great things, prides of the family. But the responsibilities that will be placed on Veronika worried both him and Katheryn, will history repeat? Will their children be alright? These thoughts kept the matriarch sleepless too at times.

Even in her last breath all she hoped was the decision and promise she took for her granddaughter, would save her in her toughest fights, She hoped that her late friend's grandson would keep her granddaughter safe and sane.

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