XVIII. Incite

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It's been almost two months since Veronika came to Seoul, her and Jeonghan's relationship progressing day by day. They were familiar with eachother now, and they were falling for eachother more as time went.

"So how's you and Mr Yoon? You sleeping well?" Ruth says over video call wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Well I am sleeping well because of him but it's not how you think it is, we are taking things slow. But yes it is indeed hard to hold back you know, we both have super self control by the way, no joke." Veronika answers, Jeonghan was in fact really getting her to sleep, his embrace guarding her from nightmares and her warmth curing his insomnia somehow.

They had boundaries between themselves, for now, at times hard to maintain, but it just showed how serious they were about their relationship, they wanted this to work. against all odds. They wanted eachother. The most physical they get is when they cuddle up together in their sleeps and Jeonghan's forehead kisses which she liked.

Jeonghan was often found smiling to himself by his friends which was odd but they knew the reason behind the smile and they were happy for him. He often thought about her smile, her small gestures, their lingering touches and he swore to himself he wouldn't take her for granted.

"She's not one of those girls Jeonghan, Veronika Riva is something else, I somehow feel like she's you but in an another way." Joshua stated, indicating they are a perfect match.

"It seems like you guys are made for eachother." Seokmin commented smiling. " It feels nice to see you genuinely happy with someone" He ends gesturing to Jeonghan.
After some days they were informed their marriage will be registered and they will be legally married once the paperwork gets approved.

Meanwhile in Italy

"It's been sometime, I don't know what's stopping them." Alessia says as she sips her drink. "You know how Ver was, she was never up for relationships, she just kept herself too busy and even when she had someone it was just a one time thing. Eventhough I just saw both of them through the screen, I could feel the tension". She comments recalling a video chat she had with her best friend and Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan was also kind of like that, he had this certain charm and girls loved him". Said Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Wonwoo's brother. It was indeed a small world, Jungkook is acquainted with the girls, while Jeonghan is his brother's close friend.

"You know I'm heading back to Seoul later and I should pay her a visit, I'm pretty sure she hadn't caught on to the fact that Wonwoo is my brother." Jungkook says with a lazy smile. Alessia just then got a thought and was thinking hard.

"Oh, Oh my God, Jungkook I have an idea!" Alessia exclaims excitedly clapping her hands while Jungkook paused, figuring out what she was onto.

"Ally No. I know that look, I know what you are thinking, I don't want to get on his bad side." Jungkook says with wide eyes.

"Oh come on, hearing how the dude is, I'm pretty sure it'll work like magic, they just need a push, you know" Alessia says dreamy, giggling and tipsy.

"You are scaring me, and why are you so concerned about their sex life". Jungkook sighs.

"She's my best friend and we women have needs too, not only you men, they'll thank me later but it doesn't mean they have to know I was the one behind it". Alessia answers before giving Jungkook a vague idea of what she wanted him to do.

"So I have to go there and get Jeonghan jealous. It can be anyone though, I can even ask Jimin." Jungkook says trying to get himself out of the plan but seeing how Alessia is, she doesn't back down once she starts something.

"No it has to be you, there were even some rumours linking you both in the past, if he falls for it, which he will, he'll search that up" Alessia says smirking.

"You still remember that? Hell even I almost forgot about that and you know it wasn't a big thing, my family didn't even know about it, maybe because the media was silenced for invading our privacy plus we were just friends". Jungkook says nodding his head.

"You don't have any feelings for her do you? Do you love her?" Alessia suddenly questions, worried her plan might end before it starts.

"Who doesn't love Veronika, there are people who doesn't like her but people who really know her, love her and I'm one of them but it doesn't mean I love her too much to steal her from Jeonghan but I do find her cool". He ends clarifying himself.

"Perfect then, you know what to do then Jeon, go by the books, get close to Ver, make him jealous, and boom, tension breaks, they fuck." Alessia says with a wicked face.

"You are wicked. I'll only go by it if she's ok with it though and I'm backing out as soon as Jeonghan falls for it". Jungkook says standing up to leave.

"Deal" Alessia says before clinking her glass with Jungkook's as the latter gulps in the last of his drink before leaving.

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