XL. Confession

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"I have something  to tell you all" Veronika announced. The family had settled in the living room, their attention on the new head of Riva Corp. She was tensed, thinking how she will break the news to her family but she went ahead.

"As all of you might've guessed by now, I had to take care of something, something grandma left me, I thought this was going to be simple but no" She paused before looking at her father. "You always tell me that whatever grandma did, she had a reason, right?. I want you to take this news in that sense father" Veronika's hands were cold when Jeonghan held it, seeing that she was nervous.

She looked at her father, all along she kept on thinking how her father would feel about the secret his mother held all these years. As the daughter she is, she knew her father would be hurt, all the pain and trauma he went through after his sister's 'death'.

"You can tell me anything child, and whatever it is, it's fine" Claude reassured his daughter with a gentle smile but everyone in the room were growing anxious to know what she was going to say.

"Aunt Catalin is alive" She finally breathed the words out, the room stilled, confusion evident in the others, Veronika waited for her words to register to her family while she held Jeonghan's hand tight.

"What?" Markus was the first one to say, Kai stood in silence, stunned by the revelation, he didnt expect this, none of them did. Katheryn looked at her husband who seemingly only came in terms with whatever Veronika said.

"Where?" Claude uttered, Veronika was surprised at how her father didn't question anything but it was clear, Claude was a devoted son, he trusted his mother.

"Here" Veronika teared up as she replied, the children knew their father too well, he was trying hard to not be shaken by the new information.

Jeonghan kept quiet and observed the scenes unfold, he decided he'll excuse himself as he placed a light peck on her  forehead "I'll be outside" He whispered to her giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, that he'll be there. Veronika thanked him silently, it was a tender moment for the family, her husband is also family too but this moment was exposing the deep scar the family had all these years, it was something they had to face.

Jeonghan stepped outside, the air was cold but soothing, he breathed out, his mind was occupied with everything that happened some while ago. The way he acted when she finally came back, how he felt suffocated when she went away. Veronika is his weakness but his strength as well, he had realised.

"You must be Veronika's husband" the voice snapped Jeonghan out of his thoughts, as he noticed he wasn't alone. He looked at the middle aged woman in front of him, he wondered why she looked familiar, then it dawned to him, Catalin Riva, his wife's aunt who is indeed alive. "My mother did right by making that promise, I must say" she continued, "I think it's time that I go inside, will talk to you later son" with that she went in leaving a stunned Jeonghan outside. Riva women are no joke, he thought.

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