X. Rewind

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Jeonghan was now staring at the monitor, lost in thought taking a minute for himself. It's been a week since the funeral and his parents were still to return to Seoul. The Yoon siblings came back early as he was needed in the office while Aera accompanied her brother.

He was recalling all that happened in the span of six days; he was having sleepless nights, one of the closest person to his grandparents passed away leaving him with the most desired woman in the world as his fiancée. Yes, they are engaged as of now, it was nothing, not even a ceremony, just both the families acknowledging the promise. Both of them were given a ring by eachother's family as a symbol or reminder of commitment, which neither of them wore on their finger as they didn't want eagle eyed media or anyone noticing as they wanted to keep everything under wraps till the wedding.

Make my sister happy, Jeonghan. Kai's words replayed in his mind as he recalled their conversation.


"Jeonghan, it's nice to talk, finally" Kai said as he went for handshake which Jeonghan returned, he could see how different the two Riva brothers were, Kai was elegant, reserved, a man of few words while Markus was more talkative, sociable and welcoming, he could see that Veronika was similar to Kai.

"We never got the chance to interact even at events" Jeonghan replies back before he could say anything further Kai gets to point almost immediately.

"You must've been informed about the will, I suppose and believe me I get how it feels especially from my sister's side....I knew this was going to happen one way or another"
Kai says looking at the younger siblings chatting away in their own world, Jeonghan noticed how they moved away from Veronika, She looks bored.

"My sister has been through a lot, will be going through a lot. She keeps to herself but there's much more to her than the cold, arrogant, mysterious picture the others have painted of her, I know this conversation might seem weird to you as all of this is happening so fast but as a brother I'm concerned, you can relate with me I hope. I just want to say, get through to her Jeonghan, and trust me it's not easy, at times you might think you're losing her but never let go. Seeing how both of you are right now it must be odd and even you might not understand what im saying but later on you will. I really hope I'm right about the fact that you're worthy of her." Kai stops, smiling gently, he trusted his instincts and something told him the man standing in front of him, his future brother in law, will keep his sister secure.

As a brother himself, Jeonghan could understand the concerned older brother and all of this made him only more curious to get to know her more.

Just then Kai was called over by Anya with a sleepy Nikolas in her arms. What all did they go through to be like how they are now, Jeonghan wondered taking a mental note that he should talk more to his future brother in law.

Talking with Veronika went how he didn't think it would, he expected her to be upset, even thought she was just keeping cool out of manners but the woman really left him mesmerised, after the conversation with her, he was joined by the Riva men who seemed surprised and happy at the same time, eventhough Claude Riva looked like a tough man, he becomes soft when it came to his children, Jeonghan could swear the man flicked a tear that didn't go unnoticed by his sons too. He replays the small conversation he had with the Riva men before he left the Riva mansion.

"Our dad is just emotional at the moment, he's just happy that his little princess is all grown up now and is going get married" Markus says consoling his father who just let's out a small laugh.

"It's feels nice to watch her talk freely with someone else, She doesn't do that often son, it's good to know she finds you comfortable. I hope the same for you son, you can rely on her, it must be both ways that's how a relationship should be" The elder says to Jeonghan with the boys nodding in agreement.

"It's good to know that she's comfortable, see I told you she'll be fine" Markus joins in pointing to his elder brother.

"I knew it bro" Kai replied giving Jeonghan a knowing smile.
Take care of my sister that was the meaning behind the smile and Jeonghan understood.


Jeonghan was brought back from his thoughts when his phone rang, he picked up seeing the caller.

"You have so much to explain, Yoon Jeonghan" Choi Seungcheol says from the other side of the call.

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