XXXI. Mediate

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"You knew?" Joshua asked Jeonghan who rather looked pleased with what he did.

"Of course I did, it was me who was hearing his same old lost love story over and over again all the time drunk while you were in LA and thankfully he would pass out before he went into details" Jeonghan replied to him making Joshua raise his eyebrows in acknowledgement.

"I was wondering why you were stressing out about Veronika's friend visiting so much, even she seemed confused" Joshua comments as he gets notified, it was just daily news, coincidentally an article about Kim Mingyu being one of the most handsome faces in the country, the man of every woman's dreams.

"Seungcheol needs it, but I'm really surprised how he just completely stopped you know, no woman since her and they were only together for what? A week?" Jeonghan says puzzled as the other snickers.

"It wasn't even dating or anything but yeah Cheol and his affairs" Joshua replied.

Meanwhile at the Yoon Mansion

"Choi Seungcheol was the guy from then!? How was I supposed to know that?" Veronika exclaims as she stared at her friend surprised, she only knew what happened between the two but not the man's name.

"Why was he there in the first place then? I thought you would send you're chauffeur or something" Ruth said as she massaged her temples.

"Yoon Jeonghan" Veronika breaths out realising the reason for her husband's behaviour from earlier.

"Does this mean all of them knows?" Ruth suddenly asks making Veronika turn as Markus pitched in, entering the room.

"Joshua knows you, I don't know about the others and Mingyu might have a faint idea but others are oblivious" He said, as Ruth nodded in reply.

"Anyways I missed you love" Veronika finally says sighing I as she hugged her best friend.

"I missed you more girl" Ruth whispers, still lost, her thoughts being clouded by that one man.

"Have you packed?" Markus enquires as he joins ladies in their little reunion.

"Not taking much, just essentials" Veronika replied as looked at her bed which was messy with all the things she was sorting to take on

"How's you and him doing?" Ruth asked expectant, waiting for positive news.

"Ok girls I'll see myself out" Markus says as he left the friends to catch up.

"Staying away from eachother is indeed bugging us both and we're terrible at hiding it from eachother and you were right desperate times, desperate measures" Veronika says as she recollected some of the risky moments she had in the past days, even at his office. "Spending time with eachother to the maximum, he went out today because he wanted us to have some time" She finishes as she saw her friend looking at her I wonder. "I know what you're going to say, don't say it" she again tells Ruth seeing her face.

"No no it's not that, you know I've always thought of you as wife material of the group, being in love makes you glow, you are glowing Ver" Ruth reassures her friend, she was genuinely happy for Ver.

"I know we don't discuss much about relationships but Choi Seungcheol and you makes sense" Veronika tells giving Ruth a menacing smile.

"This girl I swear to God really" Ruth rolls her eyes as Ver laughed.

Both of them spend the day with eachother, They were to leave the next day.

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