XI. Men

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"You are getting married?!" The youngest of the gang, Lee Chan almost chokes on his drink as he hears his older brother out, they might not be related by blood but they consider themselves brothers and address eachother so.

"Long story short, my marriage was fixed the moment she was born" Jeonghan says as he let's out an exhausted breath as he rests in the lounge chairs at Carat, the clubhouse of the elites in the neighbourhood, the Chois, Yoons, Kims, Lees and Jeons being it's founding members.
It was a place often visited by the bunch when they have sometime to relax and meet up as it rarely happens with all of them being busy.

"I dont know why but i feel more bad for her, her marriage fixed the moment she was born" Kwon Soonyoung says joining in on the conversation

"But she was not aware of it, same as him till now, isn't that a good thing" Jeon Wonwoo comments taking his focus back to chess board in front of him.

"How so?" Lee Seokmin questions from his seat suddenly interested in the conversation.

"They were not held back in any way from interacting with others, Jeonghan had his past flings and stuff and I'm pretty sure Veronika was linked with people too, but it's surprising how both of you are single and not involved with anybody else now, the timing is just great" Kim Mingyu says moving his chess piece against Wonwoo's.

Now for those wondering how the guys came to know about it, Markus and Mingyu have been good friends since they started out their modelling career at the same time.
Kim Mingyu is the most popular among their bunch, a celebrity himself, the man every girl wants and he has friends all over the world, nothing passes by Mingyu.

Obviously he got to know from Markus who was excited to say the news to someone but couldn't because they were keeping it under wraps but Mingyu is a trusted friend so he was let known, and in turn Mingyu let everyone else in the group know, the news not going out of the circle, the first he went to being Seungcheol, the eldest of the bunch.

Jeonghan didn't get bothered by how they got to know, in fact he knew it will reach them even before he could let them know.

"Wow I'm feeling old now, never thought Jeonghan will be the first of us to get hitched " Seungcheol says sighing.

"You are just months older than me cheol, stop being dramatic" Jeonghan almost whines at his best friend, yes, the only people who can get these reactions out of him is his close friends.

"Congratulations though bro, you're bachelor days are ending soon" Wen Junhui joins the bunch at last loosening his tie, the day almost ending but all of them knew they'll have to get back to their offices and wherever they are needed anytime.

"Anyone know what happened to Minghao?" Joshua Hong enquires as the former was in a foul mood and answering calls.

"Must be something involving his new assistant" Junhui says knowingly.

Meanwhile the others were paying attention to the conversation; Chwe Hansol aka Vernon and Boo Seungkwan, same aged, they've been friends since childhood and always sticked together along with Chan. The trio observed the others, while having their drink.
Like mentioned Xu Minghao was frustrated and was having a heated argument with his assistant on God knows what.
Lee Jihoon was deep in thought with Soonyoung and Jeonghan by his side.

"The urge to only drink and pass out somewhere is really high nowadays" Seungcheol comments.

"But our reputation and working hours doesn't allow it" Soonyoung states.

"Hopefully he'll have a much better life after marriage, you never know, it depends on who he marries, commitment is not easy but I think you'll be a good husband" Minghao says facing Jeonghan, annoyance evident in his face from the phone call but Jeonghan can see that his comment was genuine.

"Hopefully" Jeonghan replies taking a sip of his drink.

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