XIX. Torment

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In Seoul

"How do they know eachother again?" Jeonghan enquires, he wanted to look like he didn't care but his face was betraying him. Alessia's plan was going accordingly.

"Well you know they have mutual friends and he's also acquainted with Markus just like Mingyu." Wonwoo answers, they were at Carat just like any other free time but Jeonghan now seemed to have a certain interest in Wonwoo's brother. "Why are you asking about Kook all of a sudden ?" He questions.

"I heard he went to meet Veronika as soon as he landed and they had lunch together with Mingyu too" Seokmin informs.

"Oh but I know they are good friends, there were rumours once saying there was something going on between them but it wasn't anything big, media were made to shut before the news reached far because it was ridiculous. Jungkook thinks highly of her and I think the respect is mutual". Wonwoo continued.

"I dont think that's helping Wonwoo" Joshua comments pointing his eyes toward Jeonghan who looked serious.

"He's a good kid Jeonghan, but I guess you won't be able to stop yourself from feeling jealous" Seungcheol states not implying much.

"Hmm, it's nothing, it's just she looked really excited, maybe because of seeing someone she knew after a long time". Jeonghan says sighing.

Meanwhile Jungkook and Mingyu enters the Carat clubhouse with Veronika, laughing amongst themselves.

"Remember when you tried speaking to that bouncer in Italian at that club and almost cursed at him by mistake" Veronika says laughing at their old memories.

"We almost got in so much trouble that day. I was new to Italy and I only knew Markus and your family then I suddenly saw Jungkook and I was like what!" Mingyu says fast in between laughs.

"It might've been funny for you all but my whole life flashed before my eyes that time, the bouncer was big and scary and you know what she did, she just stood there trying so hard to not laugh." Jungkook says pointing to Veronika, shaking his head.

They were so occupied with their conversation that they didn't notice a dozen pair of eyes, on them.

"Now you can start being jealous" Seungkwan whispers to Jeonghan before getting his drink. Jun overhears what he whispered and let's out a small laugh.

Just then Seungcheol clears his throat, grabbing the trio's attention, now noticing the men in front of them.

It was Veronika's first time seeing all of them together, she easily spotted Jeonghan who was sitting in the middle, his eyes focused only on her. She was then reminded of her conversation with Jungkook, Alessia's plan, and she thought it will be fun to torment Jeonghan, she could see the jealousy brimming behind his gaze. She wanted to see how long he would hold out.

"Hey guys, look who we brought here" Mingyu says as he also notices how Jeonghan is focused on her.

"Hello Veronika, it's nice to meet you finally. I'm Wonwoo, Jungkook's brother" Wonwoo greets her followed by the others, they didn't feel as if Veronika was a stranger but rather one of their own and Veronika didn't feel awkward with them too, considering how she is. They conversed with eachother some more.

"You know, you remind me of my brother Kai" Veronika says to Wonwoo.

"By looks or personality " Wonwoo questions.

"Personality" Veronika answers, Wonwoo was also pretty quiet but as they got to know eachother more, the more they talked.

"You can consider me as your big brother here then" Wonwoo smiles before saying.

"She gets along well with everyone" Seungcheol states smiling gently at the female who's now talking to the younger ones in the bunch.

Just then Jungkook leans down to whisper something in her ears which makes her giggle, Jeonghan not missing the scene.

"Yeah" Jeonghan keeps his replies short observing the duo.

Meanwhile Jungkook and Veronika were having fun, her not missing how Jeonghan face changes when Jungkook gets near her.

"You are really annoying him" Veronika says trying not to laugh.

"I'm really scared but hopefully it's all worth it " Jungkook whispers to her, making her giggle.

Just then a call interrupts their conversation, It was Ruth calling Veronika. " I have to get this" She says as she steps outside.

"How's it going girl" Ruth enquires from the other side.

"Did Alessia tell you?" Veronika asks.

"Duh, she did, can't believe she flew down Jungkook for it". Ruth laughs.

"He was not flown out of Italy for this, he was going to come here anyway, she just got a good sense of timing I guess and I can't belive I'm going with it. But I don't know, it's fun, he's gentle, but seeing how jealous he is, it says otherwise". Veronika replies as she feels someone watching her.

"So you really want him then, come on Ver you can't deny it now". Ruth comments stating the obvious.

"I have good self control okay? But this man is making me want to go against every restrain I'm keeping up. So yes it's driving me crazy and I want him, gosh this is embarrassing". Veronika finishes as she turns around making eye contact with Jeonghan who stands a few feet from her but not so far making her speechless and flustered.

"Ver, no one can refuse you, make a-" Veronika doesn't give Ruth a chance to finish what she's saying.

"Ruth I'll call you later okay, I gotta go" she says lowering her voice as she hangs up the call, all she can think is whether Jeonghan heard what she said or not.

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