XXIV. Savour

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[Mature Content ahead]

"Fuck" Veronika moans as Jeonghan pushes her against the wall, kissing and biting the sweet spot on her neck, she could feel the tension building within herself. He went straight for her as soon as he came home, early than usual. He was craving for her and she wanted to satiate his hunger.

"Jump" He says as the latter complies wrapping her legs around his waist as he walks to the bed, kissing her. "You're going to be the death of me" he states smirking before laying her down on the bed. Veronika reaches for his shirt but he already beat her to it, yanking off the cloth on his torso.

"Let me make you feel good angel" He says as he goes on the trail kisses up her legs until her inner thighs while Veronika sighs in pleasure, anticipating. His right hand reaching for her chest, pulling off the oversized shirt she is wearing.

"Han" She says in a feeble voice making him look up to her, his fingers already teasing her folds, he takes off her underwear with ease throwing it off somewhere in the room.

"All that for me" He mesmerized as he goes on to give a hard lick on her wet core, earning a shuddering moan from her. His tongue savoring her as she grips his hair, he was making her feel good. "Fuck I'm close" she says as her pleasure shoots through her body, leaving her panting.

Jeonghan watched her flushed face and glassy eyes roll back, closing as she takes a minute for herself. She was really making him hard, just then Veronika pulls Jeonghan on to the bed, flipping their positions as she straddle him.

"My turn" she whispers as she goes down trailing kisses down his body stopping right at his waistline. "Let's take this off shall we" She says smiling, teasing him.

"The honour is all yours" Jeonghan says as he breaths harder, excitement coursing through his veins as she freed him from the belt and pants, his hard bulge visible.

She eyes him before taking in his length, as she moans out feeling his length filling her. "Take it all in, love" He says as he holds her in place, giving her time to adjust. He watches as she rides him, feeling his high close as his hands tightens against her side.

"Just like that " He moans as he feels himself getting close to release. He whimpers, letting out harsh breaths as they both come down from their high, she gets off from top of him and collapses, tired beside him. She displays a lazy smile as he goes in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you angel" He says, resting his forehead against her. "I don't expect you to say it back now but just know that I love you" He ends as he places a kiss on her forehead.

"Ti amo, mi amor" she says caressing his face, seeing his face brighten up as he understood what she said, 'I love you, my love'. He grinned like a fool, replaying her voice in his head as she went to clean up.

"You look cute han" she comes back in comfortable clothes, "go get fresh, I'll just go get something to eat" she says as she pulls him up as he goes to wash up.

After a while

"How are you doing?" Jeonghan asks as he watches her having ice cream straight from the tub like a happy child, it made his heart warm.

"What's with that question, that was out of nowhere and I am doing just fine" she says as she offers a spoon of ice cream to him, which he gladly accepts.

"You know what I mean, the reason why Markus flew down" He asks as he pulls her on to his lap as he sits up, resting his back on the headboard of the bed, her back to him.

"Oh that, well let's say I'm not concerned like how others think I am" she says as she sinks in to his heat, making herself comfortable with his hands wrapped around her, head resting on her shoulder as he takes in her freshly bathed scent.

"Why do I feel you have some aces up your sleeves in case they act up" Jeonghan says as he smirks sensing her smile.

"I'm supposedly weak without my grandmother, Abigail's words not mine, and she believes that and made her daughter believe so too, so let them be" Veronika says confusing Jeonghan but he caught on to the fact that Veronika somehow quoted Abigail Barone, mother of Elijah Barone.

How can someone look innocent yet mysterious?, he thinks to himself as Veronika is a mystery herself.

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